My Rabbits Foot Acacia

Here is what I thought might be a graft, I am not sure though since someone said does not usually happen with this tree.
Maybe someone will chime in, but I just think they have craggy bark.
I believe you merely have a knot where several branches were, and had been removed. Grafting is not something that would routinely be done with rabbit's foot acacia. They are propagated only by cuttings or by seed. There is no need to go through the expense of grafting, as the other two methods of propagation are cheaper, and effective.

Just give your acacia time. And return it to the light level it was in before repotting. It needs at bright light to get growing. Keeping it in heavy shade is slowing down recovery. Common for acacia is to drop all leaves when root work is done, then send out a flush of new leaves as roots recover, usually a few weeks to 2 months after repotting. It will survive.
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