The Treedeemer
which work you referring to?Should be interesting to see the work produced
Hey Anthony

which work you referring to?Should be interesting to see the work produced
What I'm saying is that Brent IS one of The Sources for bonsai info. His experience is vast and long and he's a very good horticulturalist on his own--his livelihood depends on that.@rockm and others. I wasn't saying that website was necessarily bad, but there are so many people saying so many different things about bonsai that I try to get to the source. When talking about botany and horticulture, there is a fair amount of hard science done by universities that I feel more comfortable using. However, the reason I am doing these things IS to develop methods and experience.
You guys can probably assume that if a website pops up on the first ~10 pages of google when searching bonsai related things, I have read it. I will keep in mind that Brent has a lot of experience and hold his website to a higher standard (as i've done with harry harrington) - though i still prefer scientific evidence for the hort side of things (The art side I more freely use websites and books, again, subjective).
@leatherback I guess Lumens are SI, but we never use them. When talking about intensity we always use W/m^2, if only talking about visible spectrum we still use the same or radiant intensity, I usually would use W/sr, (sr = steradian) spectral intensity i would use W/sr*m^2. The less compound units we use, the better in my opinion.
makes sense now. Thx! And yes. I agree.Title
The lights are 17 watts I think, so 34 watts together.@JoeR Do you know the power output of your lights (wattage), i'm just curious. My lights are also not expensive. The 4 T5 lights were around $50, but they're sturdy and good.
Also, how do you mist yours? I use the $1 spray bottles from Target, thoroughly once a day. What kind of 'soil' do you use? Like i said in the post, I do not have trouble with the run off from the misting, but I do only mist once a day - My plants could probably appreciate more misting, especially my tropical.
Also, what kind of greenhouse stuff have you thought about? I have thought about just using plastic sheeting to make a tent over my lights/plant table, but i'm not sure if it's worth it (and wouldn't look as good in my apartment).
Thanks for the non-hateful comment.
Yep, thats what I made. Under $20 and its 5×3×3.Easiest DIY greenhouse I ever used was a PVC frame wrapped in paint drop cloth. Simple and super effective.
@Redwood Ryan Do you know what kind of plants whomever made that was growing? I still wonder about the effectiveness for plant health - in my situation where my apartment isn't that dry. I have two cheap humidity meters, one outside, and one near my plants - and obviously it's completely dry outdoors right now (or the meter froze), but the indoor meter reads 50% - whatever that might mean. I wish i had a humidity gauge with PPM or something.
What did you do for air circulation?
For tall plants I would actually make it square to maximize space instead of a dome like mine. I built mine for a lot of small cuttings.@Brian Van Fleet Is that a willow leaf ficus? That's awesome that it's growing so well even without lighting. My two ficus's also do very well.
@JoeR I like how simple that is. I may have to use that as a model if I do end up making an enclosure for my indoor plants.