My azalea is dieing idk

I have a whole bunch if baby junipers I had them in pots they were doing good but reading and looking and taking in everyone say on here I decided to out them all in the ground and there doing just perfect there so green and healthy growing very fast also so I mean I didn't try to do nothing wrong to azalea it was fine yesterday . I am a beginner with this kind of plants but I do a lot of reading and practice makes perfect and I ask for all of your input cause yous are experienced and yous also give great advice
I wouldn't repot now. Just watch the watering....put a bamboo skewer in the soil (leave it there) and only water when the top 1" is dry after you pull it out.

I like the suggestion about using a bamboo skewer. Makes sense, is inexpensive and they're readily available most anywhere, even in the grocery store.
I wasn't trying to be critical in any way. What I meant was, that I THINK (and admit I may be wrong) that this tree was repotted into the cactus mix, then transported in and out of the house nightly, then repotted again into a smaller container. If all of that is what happened, then it's time for the tree to find a spot and sit there for a season. If I'm wrong, I apologize.
It looks to be over potted. Over potted plants have roots surounded by soil that stays too wet. I'd either get it in a smaller pot or you're really going to have to watch the watering

I agree. The soil looks soggy. I would have used straight kanuma rather than cactus mix. Also, that tree should be able to handle cold nights outdoors.
I agree. The soil looks soggy. I would have used straight kanuma rather than cactus mix. Also, that tree should be able to handle cold nights outdoors.

We'll I repotted it and thank you your rite but along with cactus mix I also mix it with my bonsai soil when I just repotted so now I'll just leave it out side all day and nite and see how it goes I apprecaite everything you all tell me believe that just hope it survives
And the roots were amazing long no knots no clogged roots but it just was very wet so I put it in a small pot not to deep
I would be hopeful azaless have a way of bouncing back when you think they are a goner.
like you said let it sit and soon you may see new growth. one on my azaleas that I overwiner in my garage
had its leaves all turn brown and fall of,f in no time I started to see new growth.
I would be hopeful azaless have a way of bouncing back when you think they are a goner.
like you said let it sit and soon you may see new growth. one on my azaleas that I overwiner in my garage
had its leaves all turn brown and fall of,f in no time I started to see new growth.

Thanks steve
first, use punctuation in your posts.
Second, plant the thing in the ground and let it grow until April 2016. Then you can see what the tree is ready for.
I totally agree with Lordy. On all counts. Putting your aunt's azalea in the ground helped it to recover. Why not put yours in your garden also and maybe it will come around too.
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