There’s a trail walk close to our house where I’ve been eyeing up a mulberry -for the last three years- close to the path.
This tree had obviously been stunted by damage and lack of sunlight.
I had thought about collecting it, but didn’t feel right about it unless I got a permit
Today I walked by it and noticed that it had been recently chopped -along with a bunch of other trees for clearing.
So.. I decided to dig it out.
Disappointed in the lack of fine roots near the trunk.
I potted it up deep anyways. I give this a 5% chance of survival. 
I believe this small tree is very old.
This cigarette sized branch shows about 7 years.
This tree had obviously been stunted by damage and lack of sunlight.
I had thought about collecting it, but didn’t feel right about it unless I got a permit
Today I walked by it and noticed that it had been recently chopped -along with a bunch of other trees for clearing.
So.. I decided to dig it out.
Disappointed in the lack of fine roots near the trunk.

This cigarette sized branch shows about 7 years.