Mirai vandalized

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Joe Dupre'

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Belle Rose, La.
In his latest video, Ryan Neil said his home and trees were vandalized. He doesn't think the home is livable in it's present condition. Several of his best trees were destroyed. Who would do such a thing?!! Makes me sad.
Who would do something like that and why? I was really hoping 2021 was going to be a much better year. 😞
He didn't go into any details. He probably spent all of 2 minutes on the subject and then went on to something else. He's taking it MUCH better than I would have.
i Wouldn’t be surprised if they caught some of it on camera though, Mirai is amazing place for bonsai. Probably there is some security stuff.
but anywayz, it’s crazy for people to do this.
WHAT??!!?!?!? Which video does he say this in?
Ryan has always been a stalwart for a sense of calm zen
random stupidity
Not sure what is worse. Someone knowingly attacking the place for some personal reason. Or some idiot walking in and deciding to toss trees around.
In both cases. Insane.
Wonder how long it has taken for him to reach this -on the surface- zen attitude after it happened.
Personal suspicion is much was learned in Japan besides trees. First lesson was humility😔.
While I was watching it I was thinking if it was me I’d be hosing all the remaining trees for a day in case they poured weed killer in any pots!

Apparently that happened to someone in the UK during an unpleasant divorce, lost every single tree.

edit - I suppose the cctv might rule that out
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I don't know Ryan's political leaning but I hope it wasn't for this reason. I don't think I've ever heard him raise politics but some of these people just don't process things rationally. Whatever the reason this is a horrible way to see in the new year. Troubling times, indeed.
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