Mateo’s bald cypress progression thread


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Charlotte, NC 7B
I found this bald cypress on the discount rack at lowes for a whopping $24. I figured it would be fun to play with. After stuffing it in my Honda Accord and getting some funny looks in traffic it is home. I didn’t dig too deep but nebari is non existent on this tree as far as I can tell. It’s going to take some growing and creativity but I think it’s doable.C0DF9BFA-4779-4B3A-9452-39D45CA502B1.jpeg
After looking at this tree for a couple days I started to form a plan. I noticed there was a nice fork in the top so I figured I’d make two trees out of it. You don’t see many twin trunk bald cypresses…. So off to air layering I went. I used clonex rooting gel and wrapped the cut with wire to help the roots flare out. I have no clue how this will do but since bald cypress are known to regrow roots easily I’m hoping it air layers easily too. Of course the base will be left to grow on and will eventually become something too.
It got a slip pot today and I used a manure enriched soil around the rootball in the new pot. I also moved it into my nursery area so it is now under a timed sprinkler every two days and sits in a water pan that I added fish emulsion to. Hopefully this thing will take off and bulk up a bit.
I love bald cypress it’s pretty much #1 on my list next. Can’t find any really around me. I’ll have to start looking harder
It'll take off. I've been waiting on Lowes to discount those. Too hot down here to air layer this time of year, I wish you success!!

Word is they won't develop that base flair we all love while in a pot. That said it should still grow plenty. Nice find
It'll take off. I've been waiting on Lowes to discount those. Too hot down here to air layer this time of year, I wish you success!!

Word is they won't develop that base flair we all love while in a pot. That said it should still grow plenty. Nice find
Do they need to be in the ground/ in a marsh to get that flair haha
It'll take off. I've been waiting on Lowes to discount those. Too hot down here to air layer this time of year, I wish you success!!

Word is they won't develop that base flair we all love while in a pot. That said it should still grow plenty. Nice find
I think I’m goin to get one of the 20 gallon injection molded planters at lowes for it in the spring and drill drainage holes half way up to simulate swamp. Hopefully that will do something.DB03C77D-0B66-4412-984D-13E2266D1D58.jpeg
I would keep an eye on that air layer. I started three air layers in B last year (larger trees though) and they just thumbed their nose at me and callused/healed them over. One finally struck on a third try and I removed it in February. I had to restart the other two a fourth time. In fact I probably need to go check those two this afternoon.
I noticed my sphagnum ball was staying soaking wet so I redid this one today. It had almost callused across the girdle so I cut that off, I hung a pot from a upper branch and repacked the sphagnum in the pot. I’m hoping this will keep the moss at the right moisture level. We will see.
Well the air layers still hasn’t taken. The moss was staying too wet but there is nice callous forming. I redid it and re applied rooting hormone and replaced the moss with soil mix. Let’s see how this does.
I noticed my sphagnum ball was staying soaking wet so I redid this one today. It had almost callused across the girdle so I cut that off, I hung a pot from a upper branch and repacked the sphagnum in the pot. I’m hoping this will keep the moss at the right moisture level. We will see.
IF you were to do this again would you of used the moss? Or go straight to the potting soil and pot?
IF you were to do this again would you of used the moss? Or go straight to the potting soil and pot?
I would try it in 100% DE in an open pot like I redid it into. I have no clue if this one is still alive or failed. The needles on this particular air layer changed a few weeks before the rest of the tree did. I will check it in the spring.
I would try it in 100% DE in an open pot like I redid it into. I have no clue if this one is still alive or failed. The needles on this particular air layer changed a few weeks before the rest of the tree did. I will check it in the spring.

100% DE in the air-layering pot? Have you ever done it like that before for anything else?
Interesting. Would you use 100% DE in a draining pot and just keep it well watered?
I think the DE would hold enough moisture but not stay soaked like the sphagnum was. With a straight draining pot you could never over water it and rain couldn’t flood it. I would probably have to water it once a week here in the hot and humid North Carolina summers. I have also heard BC are not the easiest to air layer.
I think the DE would hold enough moisture but not stay soaked like the sphagnum was. With a straight draining pot you could never over water it and rain couldn’t flood it. I would probably have to water it once a week here in the hot and humid North Carolina summers. I have also heard BC are not the easiest to air layer.

We have too many BC eligible for collection for me to ever try air-layering. We have so many, I run them down with my ATV.
We have too many BC eligible for collection for me to ever try air-layering. We have so many, I run them down with my ATV.
That’s like me with winged and American elms, I pull thousands of seedlings out of my pots every spring. I’m jealous tho. I do plan on going to the eastern end of my state to find me a nice one this spring 😉 this is more so me messing around trying to get the most out of my $, also, a twin trunk bc would be pretty sweet.
Just my two cents
I use bonsai soil, left over smaller size, and milled sphagnum moss, in a 50 - 50 mix

90% success rate

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