Lorax7 Amur Maple #1 progression

Assuming it rebounds ok from all this work, I think it may ultimately end up a better tree for it. I see the vertical branch that is the apex at the moment as a sacrifice branch and the branch going off to the right as the new trunk. Also, the big ugly scar in the front where a branch had been removed in the past is now gone (because it was part of the dead section).
That vertical branch will go a long way to help healing the scars created recently. Allow it go freely. The other smaller branches to the right, I would manage their growth to make sure they do not overly thicken for their position on the tree and also make sure the sections before change of direction do not get too long.
At this point you are left with a nice base, lower trunk movement and taper, good beginnings.
Following. I love my amur maples but just got an older one this spring . I will mainly let it get apical this year and if anything pinch suckered lower to let it heal up top. They wake up so early, and I have only pruned when dormant. Late winter is too late I fear, sap moves so early.
Following. I love my amur maples but just got an older one this spring . I will mainly let it get apical this year and if anything pinch suckered lower to let it heal up top. They wake up so early, and I have only pruned when dormant. Late winter is too late I fear, sap moves so early.

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