Least favorite thing about Bonsai ???

use Deet for you and Frontline for your dog

Thanks Don, never heard of frontline but ill check into it. I love having the dog around especially with all the bears and cougars around. Still unfortunately the terrain issue though. I had very little collecting time this year due to work and was turned around by the dog this year on my way to a tree I have been waiting for. I found it about 6 yrs ago, def. collectible and was to be my first real world class rmj collection. I've been leaving it there till I felt ready. Next year I guess. It's scary for me to watch him try to follow me on the really steep and treacherous terrain too, I need a goat. Of course many spots are more easily travelled, ill check into the frontline thing.
Wow.. We all love bonsai so much yet in only a couple of days, we have 5 pages of what we all don't like. To the outsider. One would wonder..hmmm, why do all these people dislike bonsai so much.;)

My contribution is fungal disease. Anyone that has ever had to battle bad outbreaks on their trees will attest to that. That is if they have any left after the devastation. To let you know the severity. I talked to a guy a few months ago. He said some years back, a fungus moved into his area. I think he said in a matter of a few weeks, it killed all his trees. There was nothing he could. It do just moved in out of nowhere and destroyed everything. He did continue bonsai and now everything is back on track years later

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The fact that my dormant season is the same duration as my growing season. The break is nice for awhile, but then around Feb I start salivating like a heroin addict going through withdrawal.
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