One of the best things about late summer potting: 'Yo leave the full canopy - do not cut roots and folate at the same time. You can cut roots, but you do not always have to. Don't forget that root cutting is severely weakening a tree. But if you have to and leave the full canopy new roots will grow much quicker than in spring. In spring the tree puts all it's strength into new foliage. If you then cut roots the tree has to make a decision here and divide it' strength. There is no new energy coming from the non-existing mature foliage and the new roots have to be fed from energy that was meant for foliage.
Sure you expose the canopy to full sun after late-summer repotting. Temperatures will go down quickly , days are shorter. The full sun on mature foliage will create energy to get lots of new roots quickly. The evaporation is there, but it's getting better every day.
In my garden the very best time is exactly now. In other gardens it will be one or two weeks or more later or even earlier. You have to figure out yourself.
This is why late summer repotting is the safest, saver than spring repotting. Also when you do root work. This is why I recommend to forget everything you thought you knew.
The full foliage is also important in spring for the same reason. This is why I advocate to pot as late as possible in spring with foliage already out for most trees. The full foliage which is not cut at the same time will send growing hormones to the roots (auxin) with the message 'grow fast everything is OK here I can support much more roots and need them). If you cut foliage the foliage would not send the message and as a s result the tree is not quite sure what to do.
Attached you see late summer (beginning of August) repotting of Japanese maple and trident maple And then spring repotting of Japanese maple. As one can see this is accompanied with heavy root pruning. So the claim that this man is southern Germany only buys top Japanese trees and repots them with no root work is ridiculous and exposes the writer as ignorant. These trees were exposed to full sun and grew happily after that.
These were absolutely not emergency repots. I could have chosen any day of the year. Does someone really think that I do all this just to show off how different my methods are? Would it not make much more sense that I do this with precious trees because it is the best for them.
All this information was written several times already in the past years. So the push to write it again is annoying and shows disrespect of my efforts. If you want something from me you have to do your homework first.
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