I am jealous of that great trunk! What a nice find.
Thank you and yes when my club came to take a look at this year's progress they suggested to take it to the next workshop we get scheduled... so hoping to get more direction on it in spring time if we can find someone... I have a nice big chinese painted pot for it, but don't plan on repotting into the bonsai pot for atleast 2 more years. I am still so new to things I am practicing patience with these trees. Thank you!Nice tree!
Get assistance with planning from local club leader. Air layer the branches in the spring. The tree needs 5-10 years after branch selection. Think of the tree as just being the trunk and your job is to develop primary and secondary branches. Your tree is now in secondary development stage. Trunk is ready but branches are not. To make this look like a small tree you’ll need to start at secondary development. This tree has massive potential but you’re a bit away from what the tree can become.
Nice tree!!!!
Oh man I have so many projects going all down for winter. I have quite a few shohin juniper projects. Those 2 big trident maples (in prev pics) 3 j maple forestsThere's something to be said for waiting on any real work until you're more experienced. Maybe buy a juniper and work with the club members a season of two before you circle back around to that elm. Maybe use that year to scheme on what you might want to do to it, study it. The longer I do bonsai, the more I think going slowly is a good option. Great trees, your club did you right - good luck whatever you do!
Very concise and easy to understand. Thank you for putting it this way. I learned a lot from this.Nice tree!
Get assistance with planning from local club leader. Air layer the branches in the spring. The tree needs 5-10 years after branch selection. Think of the tree as just being the trunk and your job is to develop primary and secondary branches. Your tree is now in secondary development stage. Trunk is ready but branches are not. To make this look like a small tree you’ll need to start at secondary development. This tree has massive potential but you’re a bit away from what the tree can become.
Nice tree!!!!