Lance's two trunk Raintree

Coming in now, nice and tight. Impossibly small pot slowing everything down. Should have a nice crop of flowers shortly......;):D:D:D:cool:

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Need to get down to Bonsai West to buy a row boat to grow this thing in for a coupleafew years.....should be able to find something in that pile!!!:eek::rolleyes:
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Sorry for the delayed reply, @Petebak . I use a few different ferts. I use an organic pelletized fert throughout the growing season. I'll use Miracle-Gro tomato food during the height of the growing season. Any balanced fert should do the trick, though. Tomato food has high quantities of NPK, so I try to mix in a fert with less concentrations of NPK to try and keep the salts down. But like I said, any balanced fert should be sufficient. I fert a diluted amount, but with frequency.

I couldn't help but ask... how does Tito "handmake" his Vodka?... I hope it's not by filtering the solids from the mash by straining it through his dirty socks or something like that...
I'm liking that pot. May have to get something similar when I pot my big(ger) BRT. I'm debating, debating, debating on whether to repot my small flat top, the issue is whether I bury most of the trunk or not. Decisions, decisions. :(

Gonna start looking for a similar pot, Lance!
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