Lance's two trunk Raintree

I am confused... if you are trying to grow the trunk thicker, why are you cutting and potting in Bonsai Soil?

The whole feature of Raintrees, being the flutted trunk will always be missing on a thinner trunk.
Anyone check to see if a log extension branch thickens this tree ?

Our ironwood type with will thicken if grown in a 1/3 of a US 55 gallon plastic barrel.
I would imagine the same if this rain tree.
Good Day
I am confused... if you are trying to grow the trunk thicker, why are you cutting and potting in Bonsai Soil?

The whole feature of Raintrees, being the flutted trunk will always be missing on a thinner trunk.

Thanks for the comments, @sawgrass , I'll address them.:D
Living in NH, planting it out isn't an option. Living in a small apartment presents it's own problems! A very limited growing space with adequate light that just happens to be smack dab in the middle of the living room!! These things are in the house for nearly 8 months of the year. I'm not trying to stay on top of watering potting soil, don't need to deal with root rot either. They grow just fine in "bonsai soil". If you look thru some of the other BRT posts lately, you'll see a few photos of my neighbors BRT that grew some impressive fluting planted in "bonsai soil" and a large pot. So I know it can be done. Trust me, I would love to build a massive grow box, but I gotta' get it in the house! And in the living room! Main reason I gotta' cut it.:D

And I'm certainly no expert!!;):D:D:D:D:D:cool:
A very limited growing space with adequate light that just happens to be smack dab in the middle of the living room!! These things are in the house for nearly 8 months of the year
Sell them damn tropicals!
The slanting one looks great! Gotta say that I always enjoy the photos from you garden, nice trees and good humour! What's the biggy hiding in the back o this photo?

Thanks for the kind words.....ok trees, meh...someday! But they do provide "pro-size" fun!!:D:D:D:D
Big BRT in the back of a few shots, look at some other BRT threads, should be a photo or two of that one floating around....:cool:

Hopefully you can source one for yourself.....any swell nurseries near you?:confused:
@LanceMac10 I have a bonsai nursery about 20 mins from home. He has a limited selection of tropicals, but a great place with good prices! Don't sell yourself short, you have some great trees, at least I dig em!
Your BRT amaze me, that you get so much growth in such short time. Nice, the twin trunk will in time be great. Have you thought about bringing the two trunks closer together? Kick the thought around.

I know from seeing your big one's photos, you have a good handle on where to take this in the future. Fun project.

But do you really have room for more cuttings? Save room for other tropicals. Maybe something that flowers? Bottle brush would keep more or less with the BRT theme but red flowers for variety.
I have a question. I picked up a copy of Bonsai today "69" it has a nice write-up on BRT's. In it,it shows a wild yamadori BRT. Anyone try to grow one like that. All I see are informal upright? The one in the book looks as though it's been beat down by flooding of a creek or river
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