I respectfully beg to differ, my friend.
The UK and my country have traditionally had many crossovers when it comes to farming, in both animals as well as farming styles. Prunus spinosa is one of the species that can be used for cattle hedging, since it has thorns all over. Just like hawthorns they've been extensively used throughout the countryside.
The desired ones aren't rare at all, they're just difficult to obtain because they keep cattle in their pastures.. And taking one out would be providing an opening for the animals to walk out.
Since there's around 47000 pubs in the UK, I'd say this plant is more commonly reported than a Guinness on tap. I don't believe there's so few desirables in there; they bud back easily, grow like weeds and any shoots popping out extend to about three feet in a single year if they're in the ground. The wood is pretty tough though.
Below is a map of reported and verified "wild" growing prunus spinosa in the UK.

Of course if I would be selling them, I'd say they're super rare and difficult to find.
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