I might need some help.....

Big Podocarpus...I call him Gigantor...lol...check my glove for size reference....and yes, that's my amazing arm that can clean moss, ferns, and wax myrtles out of microscopic crevices at record speeds...and more pots....much more pots...lol





Heres a progression of me rigorously weeding two podocarpus and kinda weeding a cypress..(last on my list for the collection is the cypress, as long as I keep them well watered I'll have plenty of time to get to them once I'm done what is "priority").....look at all the little podo's...I started saving these little guys out of guilt and then realized there were thousands upon thousands of them.....such sadness.....and that EVIL TREE WEED THING is what I dread about my waking hours lately...there are literally hundreds of them in pots and trees (yes, growing in the nooks of the branches) all around the garden.....Wax myrtles can go f*ck themselves.....I scream in triumph when I remove one..My employer has yet to question me on the noise....





same progression...makeshift temporary supports by yours truly.....and what else you ask?...more pots, silly.....





Really looks like you're getting it whipped back into shape! Well-done.
Thanks for the time posting photos. I appreciate it.

Its neat to look at the grounds and think about what that collection used to look like.

Big trees are resilient and can return to glory in time. It will be interesting to see (I hope) what you have there when it is all cleaned up and regenerating.

Keep posting.
Good luck with all this. I hope he's paying you well, because if you get those trees healthy again, I'd bet the owner will try to sell them for an arm and a leg...
Good luck with all this. I hope he's paying you well, because if you get those trees healthy again, I'd bet the owner will try to sell them for an arm and a leg...

If I accepted a job...that means I am happy with my pay. I won't mind getting more but I won't demand it after. Personally, I wouldn't mind getting paid minimally to work on these trees. If I get tired then I quit! ;)

What the owner gets selling these (if he ever) is righfully his. He invested time, effort, and even risk (as you can see here)...we shouldn't question it.
"What the owner gets selling these (if he ever) is righfully his. He invested time, effort, and even risk (as you can see here)...we shouldn't question it."

Whatever. The "investment" is going to wrack, ruin, seed and probably death. Not questioning neglect is a very slippery slope.
I'd bide your time until he gained your trust. At that point, perhaps he'd feel more comfortable with you handling more important tasks regarding his collection. He seems to have no small fortune in bonsai material there. If you follow his lead and time schedule, you may find yourself positioned to inherit more than just responsibility... That is, if these trees make it through another summer.

Then I'd start shipping berobinson82 pots and pots and pots plus some giant trees ;)

While the customer is not always right, they are ALWAYS the ones with the checkbook.
"You just JUMPED to a totally different topic again"

Honestly I think everyone is very much still on topic. Just don't start arguing and this will be an epic thread in time.
I asked for input when I thought he was going to let me run everything...Now it seems as though I'm just a glorified gardner.......Sorry everyone........Any input, even from me it seems, is wasted on deaf ears....I will still be posting pics though......hope everybody enjoys them....My tan line sure isn't....And to the repotting comments, yes some good root pruning and fresh substrate would do wonders and would almost certainly stimulate growth, he's just not listening...and to make matters worse, it is only getting hotter here.....terminal buds are starting open and at this point I don't think I could even risk a root pruning on some of these trees.....I mean the guy has been doing this for 20 plus years, so maybe he knows what he's doing...I was taught differently though......by one of his piers....which seems odd since what Guy taught me should be the same as what Vaughn taught him, which would be the same as what Vaughn taught my employer....very confused...plenty of pics tonight, and for any of you pot addicts, there will be drool on your keyboards.....

It is possible that "Your Employer" all ready thinks the trees are beyond help and may be looking to blame someone other than his neglect for a fine collections demise? It may also be that your employer was a check book artist. If he is not willing or able to care for these trees he should consider selling them or getting them into the hands of people that will care for them. It's sad that he will not let you do what should be done for them. However getting the weeds out of the pots may help revitalize some of them.
Good luck with all this. I hope he's paying you well, because if you get those trees healthy again, I'd bet the owner will try to sell them for an arm and a leg...

Some where near the 250 mark for an 8 hour day.......so I'd say very well.....
sorry everyone....Have been insanely busy...but pics of the entire collection (cleared of all debris) will be up tomorrow......hope some of you guys are still paying attention.....
Still paying attention :) Thanks for sharing!

I am not paying attention, as nothing is happening, but I am very much anticipating seeing more pictures!

I hope things work out satisfactorily for the trees, you and the owner. Keep up the good work!

You might consider that the owner's not allowing you to repot is good -- for you. From the looks of some of those trees, I'd guess that the failure rate could be quite high, and he seems just "off" enough to blame you for any failure, with all attendant repercussions.

Yours is a heartbreaking job -- and old as I'm getting and as difficult it is for me to care for all my trees these days, it at least makes me glad that all of mine are small.
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