I was walking through a nursery while my girlfriend was looking for a blueberry plant when I saw it... A single gigantic Satsuki. And it was about half of the price of all the other azaleas its size. It was fate. Destiny. Love at first sight.
The trunk was the largest I had seen on a nursery azalea, and I could feel some thick nebari just below the soil line. The cost of such a thick base trunk is the fact that there are about four trunks coming out of the main base trunk.
I'd like to do a drastic prune and repot a la JohnG, but I'm not entirely sure if I can now. @Eric Group shared a story about his successful late summer repot. Anyone else have experience with repotting this late?
It's a bit ambiguous when they say to "repot after flowering".
The trunk was the largest I had seen on a nursery azalea, and I could feel some thick nebari just below the soil line. The cost of such a thick base trunk is the fact that there are about four trunks coming out of the main base trunk.
I'd like to do a drastic prune and repot a la JohnG, but I'm not entirely sure if I can now. @Eric Group shared a story about his successful late summer repot. Anyone else have experience with repotting this late?
It's a bit ambiguous when they say to "repot after flowering".