You know what they say about crack cocaine?
"The first hit is one too many and a million too few."
Too many years ago to think about (mid 70s), "Victory Garden"
had a segment on bonsai. And I was hooked! Now this was
all before cocaine use was common, the 80s-90's, but
I was an dyed in the wool-full fledged-card carrying-addict
bonsai. Still am. My sorted folders of bonsai photos
is 1.608 TB--right now, will grow some before I
retire for the evening--and there is still another 3TB hard
drive that is almost full of nothing but BONSAI; got to get those
sorted one of these days. The internet has been more than a
blessing to me. I can get my "fix" and not have to put up with
heat, rain, a-holes, distance, "already checked out", etc. Of
course high school horticulture only made me want more.
Crazy what you can do with a greenhouse and unlimited use
of anything that grows in one. Used to have a fuchsia that I
loved; left it when I graduated.
Life happened for a few
decades but I am back to it now that all the noise is gone.
Goodness I love these times we live in.