Help with pot suggestion


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Beirut Lebanon
Having 2 pots made for this Lebanese cedar and pine. Realise they're far from done and would be best left in a larger pot yet as they are in bad soil prefer to repot. As I'm still not good with repoting and have lost many trees due to repot ( not sure if techniquenor weather related still) would rather move them to final pot shape and size now instead of growing for years and styling then losing tree in repot even if that means a few more years to get the tree to grow as desired...
This cedar came styled with first branch to front and I restyled to move first branch to side. Will change pot and reduce branches on current left and right sides to fit new pot if possible or do it maybe in 2 successive repots.
Considering a dlbrown non glazed pot with a not so rough structure as tree isn't that massive nor too masculine. Current pot size is 30x25x10cm or 12x10x4 inch.
Any idea if smae dimensions would work.on this tree or if i should go a bit smaller? Shallower at least ?
Any suggestions on color and shape texture of new pot is appreciated.
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2nd tree is this pine, will be an informal upright.
Wondering between:
-dark brown unglazed rectangle a bit larger and slightly shallower?
- dark brown oval or circle to match the oval-shaped base ? Still shallower ???

I have been lured into the shallow pot syndrome too but only experienced problems as a result. You may do better with milder temperatures but in hotter climates slightly deeper pots are a must. For trees in training slightly deeper pots are desirable too. For beginners deeper pots are very useful to help smooth out errors and omissions in care. I would advise against shallow pots where possible.

The pot under the cedar actually looks to be a good size. I would not be going smaller. You risk the tree not only looking unstable but possibly actually toppling over every time the wind blows with it in a smaller pot. Look for something at least the same width but possibly even slightly larger, especially if it is shallower than this one.
The pine already looks a little large for the pot it is in. If the height was reduced it would be OK with that size but I would try something just a little wider for that one. definitely don't try shoehorning it into anything smaller.

Definitely favor unglazed for these conifers. As to shape and texture there are lots of options depending on the message you want to send to viewers. There seems to be a craze for rough textured pots down here, probably to mimic rocky, mountain terrain, but I still prefer smoother classic pots.
I find that pot shapes are very personal thing. There rarely seems to be any agreement between different growers on what is actually right. Here I have limited choices so my trees mostly just go into the closest pot of the correct size that I can get hold of.

An oval pot would be OK for the cedar but so would a rounded corner rectangle style similar to the current pots.
I would probably choose something with corners for the chunky look of the pine but it will still look good in oval or circular pot.
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