Growing trunks for Mame/Shohin sized Azaleas?
Take the normal twiggy plant you get at a gardencenter, how do you turn that into a trunk for a Shohin/Mame sized bonsai? Fusing it? Tie all the lower ones together leaving a "Crown" on top? Is it possible to "Grow out" a trunk? Any one with some examples, pics? Im really leaning towards Kyosuke Gun´s book about Azaleas, but for now?
Take the normal twiggy plant you get at a gardencenter, how do you turn that into a trunk for a Shohin/Mame sized bonsai? Fusing it? Tie all the lower ones together leaving a "Crown" on top? Is it possible to "Grow out" a trunk? Any one with some examples, pics? Im really leaning towards Kyosuke Gun´s book about Azaleas, but for now?
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