It seems it is probably a slower growing species than others, but bonsai is a slow endeavor anyways so what the heck!
I am pretty satisfied with the growth it gave me this year. I wish I had taken a picture of how hard I pruned the roots before I potted it up, but I went very hard on the roots. So with that in mind, it’s understandable if it wasn’t super vigorous this year. I think next season will give me a better idea of how fast of a grower it is now that it has reestablished its root system pretty well.
Always good to see others working with this under used species, looking forward to learning more about hophornbeam as I go!
woohoo! likewise!.. an endeavor well met. interesting we both have them in pure de... optisorb, mine 8822..
some of my 8822 tree mix can turn to mush now!!!! why?...bad day at the plant? your not fired!!!? it’s not fired de..
if I can hang on to my tree, I’m going to put it though the paces, re-chop, repot, and thread graft...same season...also collected last year
i know, right...?
perhaps your tree will juxtapose my hopefully not dead one. if so we’ll know 2020.
sounds awful in a way but it’s not...yea that sounds better