Giving back for two great years. Shohin pot giveaway.

Congrats! Thanks for the opportunity, that's really cool of you to do something like that for your celebration
Send one to the head nut.
He's the one who deserves it for having the site.
While you're partly right, as I see it, it's the pacients that give an asylum its notoriety not the staff :)).
But, as fair is fair, if THE Nut expreses any interest in one of my humble pots, I will of course happily oblige and provide him one.
As I've said in another thread; knowing someone will use my wares and take some sort of enjoyment from them is why I started making them in the first place :).
What a generous offer!
Very kind of you, Mihai. Please, accept my entry :)
....when the most appropriate thing to say is inappropriate......!


It should be that we appreciate you being here with us. It is the group in total that helps and makes it enjoyable for all of us. Thank you for being a part of the group!
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
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