Found what I think is a Wild Crab Apple, advice on prepping for collection needed.

So do what?
Watch the crabapple leaves for the fungus? I've had no issues with juniper and the crab on same bench. But then too, I keep both free from pests and fungus.

Good enough??

It's more of an issue in the eastern US, so I'm not sure it's an issue in California. I'm just saying that's the motivation for Rockm's comments. Spores of the fungus can be blown in from miles away. So same bench, same yard, same neighborhood.....doesn't matter if the fungus is in the area. It does need both hosts though. Preventive anti-fungal sprays should help.
Lol, they can!
I think they can drive on top of the snow too!
True! I once had 2 other guys in my Geo. From a dead stop with the engine off, we rocked our bodies back and forth until the car started moving. We were able to travel a good mile like that. That was a great car for the price! 😂🤣😁
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