Flowers 2024

Salvia "Hot Lips". Later this summer the hummingbirds will love this.

Salvia. Spreads from seed, reliable bloomer. The town deer aren't interested, and that's a big plus.

Robinia neomexicana. Only a couple bloomed last year and they were white. This one is pale lavender.

I expect this to also be lavender when the blooms open.
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@Flowerhouse I just watched from an arms length away, a humming bird hit every flower on my Chinese hat plant. I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't want to scare it away, so I froze.
I have a bunch of hummingbirds
That hang out in my trees however they are extremely uncooperative when it comes to photos.

You can barely see him about a quarter of the way from the top of the photo sitting in one of my larches. It’s the best I’ve been able to do so far.

…and some flowers. Already posted photos of this particular plant but these are the last two shots of my Kazan before I removed the flowers.

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