Flowers 2018

These Cyclamens love calcareaous soil and shade. I have plenty in my garden from a few that were given to me and settled there because they probably thought it was cool to flower at AlainK's jungle :D
Went for a walk at an Arboretum today, and there were plenty everywhere.
I just love them!
There are plenty of them in our farm growing under the Pine and Platanus trees.
The one I posted is removed from there and planted into a pot.
Looking at the flower I was in total surprise, blooming at this time! o_O
But then I read the caption and it's clear ;)
I bring in all my favorite hibiscus. They don't mind at all. I get to see blooms all winter, which is nice, during a long boring winter.
Gorgeous, especially with those translucent edges on the petals. I’ll bet they smell wonderful!
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