Youtube is just really weird. It might be that making Youtube videos to get invited to do more workshops isn't actually a good reason to do YT videos. Maybe offering to do bonsai clinics for free, is. Until people start to pay you. I don't know too much about the western bonsai world, but it seems to be really respected you must have studied in Japan, or you must have really high quality trees of your own. If you know good horticulture and are a good educator, you don't get that same level of respect. If you need free azaleas for clinics, you can always get some from me.
Anyway, I just wondered what the most watched bonsai video on YT ever was. And maybe it is this one with 20 million views "THE EASY WAY TO MAKE A COCONUT BONSAI"
If you go to that channel you can kinda see this person is trying to recreate that one video that went viral. All their other videos are also in allcaps, but with around 1k views. It is weird.
Also, I noticed the video by the Blackpacking Biologist on bonsai, which has 2.7 million views with a pinned comment (meaning The Backpacking Biologists himself put it on top, that has 3.8k likes that says:
"Why recreate adversity? I'm definitely part of that sub-group against bonsai - it's crippling trees for just aesthetics and there's also some weird control issues to unpack around it. Just get some plants that are good for your local wildlife."
The backpacking Biologist then made a follow-up video named "Is Bonsai Torture? - Biology of Pain" with a thumbnail about foot binding.
It may actually be that most of your potential YT audience that is going to watch a bonsai video are people that kinda want bonsai ASMR. Or just bored people that want to watch a cool video. There's actually some Japanese channels that have something quite similar to that.
Also, with plants and Youtube, there were these weird videos put out about how to magically grow plants in certain ways. Like very unusual or odd ways to root cuttings. Those videos were fake. There was this rose garden nursery channel that did a whole video about fake plant videos. These videos are kinda similar to those videos where people buy a fresh water turtle, glue seawater barnacles to their shell. And then record a Youtube video about how they are 'saving' the turtle by removing the barnacles.
The audience of people that actually do bonsai. And actually want to know how to do bending of a piece of deadwood, and that are going to watch your steam method for bonsai deadwood. So they can actually apply it to their own work, is way smaller than those people that click these weird videos. That's why I say YT is weird. There's some funny genres out there on YT. One is like the American rural homesteaders who make videos with their daily problems trying to learn to farm, trying to take care of animals, trying to transform their property, but also have their kids in their videos. Very parasocial, I suspect. Or there is this guy that cleans pavements & mows lawns for free, but records it and puts it on YT. Or the girl that washes & grooms cats and dogs for free but records the process (I actually like that last one, but the YT algorithm pushes them all). YT is weird. It seems 'feel good' videos get more views that educational instructional stuff.
I remember way a long time ago there was a bonsai channel about a guy who took random plants, planted them in a pot with 100% sphagnum moss, and had clickbait titles about, probably also in allcaps like "UNIQUE BONSAI METHOD - PERFECT BONSAI REPOTTING FOR BEGINNERS" and people here on bonsainut were very mad. The videos all would all kind of follow the same script.
It might be that you need to rethink how YT can fit in with your bonsai ambitions. YT is so weird that you can hire consultants to tell you how to make your YT videos better. How to link your YT work to Twitter, to TikTok, to Instagram, and try to become a professional 'influencer' as we Dutchies like to call it.
There are definitely some very high quality YT channels with in depth info on YT that do very well. Finding someone that does YT and is somewhat bigger to you, regardless of the subject, but who has a similar style in the sense of making serious educational videos, and talking to them about these things, like the algorith, motivation, editing, using the right feedback to improve, can be highly beneficial.
Everything you have put on YT will just stay there and slowly collect views. It can always act as your portfolio. So maybe with everything in bonsai, it is a slow burn.