@sorce Here's a scenario to help me (and possibly others) better understand the guidelines:
My son gave me a Juniper last month that he's had for a couple years but hasn't done any work other than what a nursery would do. It's never been wired or styled. He has Jinned a branch but other than that it looks like a Juniper you could buy at a nursery. The Jinned branch has basically just been stripped of its bark so it would need refined or removed. Would the tree qualify? Thanks!
Of course that tree would qualify...
Good scenario!
You can take that tree...thin it..style it...
And enter all the required photos..
(unless you forgot to take the before photo...lol!)
The jin will not have grown!
So it can be displayed in the before photo or not. And displayed in the after photo or not.
Should you put a picture of that jin as your detailed work photo...
No, it's old work....
Can you....
Of course...it's your Karma train, derail it if you must!
Karma plays just as big a role as voter responsibility!
Notice how loose this is....
If that tree was styled 6 months ago, and the after photos are from today....
Will a voter be keen enough to notice the difference of one moved branch's newly grown foliage?
I really want voters to look at the trees.
Hold Entrants to rules.
I want voters to think to.
That way...not only do entrants get better, but voters get better too, by observing, and really studying what happened.
Of course...many many people are going to just vote for amazing regardless.
Balance in Chaos.
Enter them all!