Imperial Masterpiece
I'll not argue with your reasoning or motivations. In fact I agree with both wholeheartedly, but maybe not the conclusion you came to.In my experience, those who are still tempted after my efforts to dissuade them, are the ones that are serious. And again in my experience, this is a very slim minority. Like almost everything else in life, most people, in my humble experience, like the idea of a thing more than the thing itself. In bonsai I feel the reverse is true.
I often give away cuttings from my ficus as gifts, and as I have more variety I'll give those away too. It's actually becoming almost a tradition at my recovery meetings.
There, and whenever I'm asked about hobbies or the like by anyone, bonsai is on the list, and usually garners some questions. I'll never try to dissuade anyone from trying it, but I'll let them know that it's quite the rabbit hole (Is this term becoming cliched around here? It's an apt description, and I'm at a loss for anything else.) that it can be more complicated than it looks, and it's going to take a long time. I always include how the IDEA of it fits in alright with my other pursuits, but the real life maintenance doesn't.
Hence ficus benjamina - usually potted in a tin can - are my chosen housewarming gifts. They're a fairly easy house plant for anyone interested in that angle, and if the recipient decides that bonsai might be in it's future, I'm here to tell them what I've already screwed up.