This is my Water Elm......it has a long ways to go yet. This is the second year of recovery after I lost all branches, lost right to the trunk, during a harsh and cold winter. The branches came back slowly over the two year since loss....but are developing. The branching came back like arms stretched straight out. What I'm trying to accomplish now is movement through selective bud growth. The base of the trunk is 5". The height is 18". There's a lot of growth and maturity to develop over the years ahead. It has potential for backyard bench level showing.
I have a question on carving.......well, at least I think that carving is the solution. There is an area below that first branch on the left. I attached a close-up of that specific area. Would you think that carving that old branch out and creating a carvern below the branch would look okay?
If carved, should I keep that branch above the carve or eliminate the branch? Above that branch you can see a branch loss hole. My imagination says eliminate the branch and carve up to include the hole above the branch. I think it might look more natural and create a different overall appearance.
If carved, should I go for a smooth hollow or should I rough that area up? By rough up I'm thinking rough like a previous tree trunk rotted off and broke away. By smooth I'm thinking that the area was created by nature's growth years ago and has had time to heal over and roll in smoothly. Rough or smooth?
The healing on the lower trunk is slooooow.........if at all.
I also attached a close-up of the new apex in development is that helps the imagination based on other elements.
It's all progress after starting over and simple hoping that the makes it through winter. This year it has a good moist green color below the branch bark......a good sign.
I have a question on carving.......well, at least I think that carving is the solution. There is an area below that first branch on the left. I attached a close-up of that specific area. Would you think that carving that old branch out and creating a carvern below the branch would look okay?
If carved, should I keep that branch above the carve or eliminate the branch? Above that branch you can see a branch loss hole. My imagination says eliminate the branch and carve up to include the hole above the branch. I think it might look more natural and create a different overall appearance.
If carved, should I go for a smooth hollow or should I rough that area up? By rough up I'm thinking rough like a previous tree trunk rotted off and broke away. By smooth I'm thinking that the area was created by nature's growth years ago and has had time to heal over and roll in smoothly. Rough or smooth?
The healing on the lower trunk is slooooow.........if at all.
I also attached a close-up of the new apex in development is that helps the imagination based on other elements.
It's all progress after starting over and simple hoping that the makes it through winter. This year it has a good moist green color below the branch bark......a good sign.