I just picked up this Dwarf Sitka Spruce, picea sitchensis papoose, and plan on spending some time with it before making any big decisions, and I want to have a good game plan before moving forward.
I just moved it from its nursery can into a pond basket gave it some good soil to work with. It needs some thinning out to let the light and air in for sure, but would like some outside input before making any major cuts. Now as far as design goes, I am thinking of keeping the center and left trunks, and turning the top half of the right trunk into a jin, working with the lower foliage on the right. This alone would thin things out significantly. Then jinning the low branches on the center and left trunks I think will leave the tree with a tall majestic look and a better start for more specific branch selection up top. I've got no experience with virts, or I'd show my thoughts rather than explaining.
Any input is greatly appreciated!