Dwarf Sitka Spruce


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Redmond Oregon

I just picked up this Dwarf Sitka Spruce, picea sitchensis papoose, and plan on spending some time with it before making any big decisions, and I want to have a good game plan before moving forward.
I just moved it from its nursery can into a pond basket gave it some good soil to work with. It needs some thinning out to let the light and air in for sure, but would like some outside input before making any major cuts. Now as far as design goes, I am thinking of keeping the center and left trunks, and turning the top half of the right trunk into a jin, working with the lower foliage on the right. This alone would thin things out significantly. Then jinning the low branches on the center and left trunks I think will leave the tree with a tall majestic look and a better start for more specific branch selection up top. I've got no experience with virts, or I'd show my thoughts rather than explaining.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
IMG_0296.JPG IMG_0297.JPG IMG_0298.JPG I went ahead and did a little cutting. I didn't want to go overboard, just trying to begin moving in the direction I have in mind. Plenty left to cut and wire, and plenty left to grow. Opinions and advice are always welcome and appreciated.
A friend of mine is a violin maker and says that sitka make the best violins. He says it's called the woods of the gods.
It has incredible resonance. It's also considered one of the best tone woods for the top on acoustic guitars and the soundboards of pianos. I'm gonna need to grow this one out a bit before I get good lumber from it. : )
Wire and branch selection would do this tree wonders!
Indeed. This is one of the nicest pieces of material I have had in my hands at this point, so I'm trying to take my time and make good decisions with it!
Indeed. This is one of the nicest pieces of material I have had in my hands at this point, so I'm trying to take my time and make good decisions with it!

I would just let it grow freely and fertilize very well. Then in fall if it's strong wire this beast out - get practicing your wire skillz
10-minute sketch of cleanup
It’s funny Reid, I spent some time cleaning up this tree tonight before it pushes this year’s growth, and Im really looking forward to wiring it this season. I decided to look at this thread again before I took it back outside, and your virt seems to give a good look at where it’s headed. There’s still a lot left on the tree that won’t be there after this next year, but playing conservatively with this after putting it in the pond basket last year. And a pic of a nice Walsall I picked up at BSOP that might make a happy home when the time comes :)

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After seeing a post from one of our NW artists working on Spruce and saying that it is best to wire while dormant, I decided to get the initial framework of this tree put in place before it wakes up. There is still a lot of foliage to remove, more to grow and fill in pads, and lots of wiring on secondary branches to do, but I want to take my time and not over work this tree. Also posting a virt blacking out some of the branches to be removed later. I’m always open to thoughts and critiques.
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