A Brad point bit is designed to drill clean holes with minimal tear out in wood, especially smaller holes. I would take the trade off of a few extra seconds to back the bit out and clear shavings over the possibility of unnecessary extra damage to the tree in and around the entrance and exit holes. I have never drilled a hole through a tree for a thread graft myself, but I have drilled many thousands of holes in many species in lumber form. For small holes Brad points are ideal, especially in hard wood. For larger holes spade bits and auger bits with very sharp cutters work well. Forstner bits are also good at cutting very clean holes but they are not made in very small sizes and are best utilized in a drill press.Would a brad point bit be better than an auger? Maybe that's because it might be easier with the brad to keep the diameter of the hole small enough for the whip (smallest auger I have seen is 1/4")? But an auger would help keep debris clear.
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