Donald Trump.

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Wellington New Zealand
Yes Yes I know we aren't allowed to talk politics, BUT this is very very unusual circumstances indeed and Im more wanting to talk about him and what he can do. I'm flabbergasted, intrigued, surprised, worried and cautiously optimistic all at the same time.... We together with the world are watching with all of the above emotions, and the only people I know that has the inside information are you here..... Just wondering if Admin will reconsider if everybody promises to play extremely nicely.....:p
Over to Admin....
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The thing that fascinates me about Donald Trump is how he rallies everyone around their own view of Donald Trump. I've heard a lot of different opinions about Donald Trump, but I have yet to see someone who expresses their opinion and then follows with "but I can see how reasonable people might disagree."
very very unusual circumstances indeed
Running any government should not be like a bonsai hobby (or hobbies in general) where you simply keep throwing money at it. It should be run as a business and should be run in the black, not in the red, and certainly should not be allowed to be how many trillion dollars in debt.?
People, I'm jealous talking to you...
We're having parliamentary elections this saturday. Imagine, 23 in written form - twentythree political parties aspire for our vote.:):):)
I think what sets him apart is he says what most people thinks. What I don't understand is he says he wants to make America great again... I mean America IS still great...isn't it?
Almost all of the world's countries are running in the red. It's just how it is nowadays....everybody is borrowing from everybody.
I heard over and over that Obama was the AntiChrist.

Nothing about Trump being the AntiChrist.

Then again.....they never called Bush the AntiChrist either.

I wonder how profitable it would have to be for Trump to blow up his own buildings.

Someone has mentioned the red. So among those 23 parties there are 2 shades of red, some white, green and brrrr black...and all the shades of blue. That's why the red is successful here. If the blues are not successful in the ongoing election they will split into more shades... This is devolution, isn't it? Every clever man who can read, write and make a phone call wants to be the big boss. But that's enough about policy, howgh.
I heard over and over that Obama was the AntiChrist.

Nothing about Trump being the AntiChrist.

Then again.....they never called Bush the AntiChrist either.

I wonder how profitable it would have to be for Trump to blow up his own buildings.


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams!
Obama wasn't too bad, right?

At least he didn't start any middle-east wa.... Lol!

What's the Bern gonna do when there's no more cash to give away?

What's Trump Train gonna do when there's no more Mexicans to do the jobs Americans don't wanna do?

What's Hillary gonna do when male, female, black, white, pink and purple lives do matter equally?

What's the least deadly poison? Who isn't gonna ruin the USA? Is there a candidate who won't ruin the USA?

Questions questions questions.
Peace sells...
...but who's buyin'?
I think what sets him apart is he says what most people thinks. .
This is true, because he's been on every side of every issue, depending on what his audience is cheering for. He's the guy hanging out around the corner, waiting to jump out in front of every parade. A populist, likely a fascist.

People blindly rally around him because they're tired of being screwed by an out-of-control wasteful Congress and being constantly chastised by an anti-American president. He says what many feel. Problem is, he's not the solution.

Christian values, live and let live, and our constitution made America great, and we need to calmly and faithfully return to this. Remember, our constitution was written by We The People to grant certain responsibilities and specific limits to our elected public servants. Our government has convinced us for 100 years that it's the other way around.
This is true, because he's been on every side of every issue, depending on what his audience is cheering for. He's the guy hanging out around the corner, waiting to jump out in front of every parade. A populist, likely a fascist.

People blindly rally around him because they're tired of being screwed by an out-of-control wasteful Congress and being constantly chastised by an anti-American president. He says what many feel. Problem is, he's not the solution.

Christian values, live and let live, and our constitution made America great, and we need to calmly and faithfully return to this. Remember, our constitution was written by We The People to grant certain responsibilities and specific limits to our elected public servants. Our government has convinced us for 100 years that it's the other way around.
I agree with you. Civil Service should be a service to gour country, not a profitable career path and they all seem to be equally guilty of it these days. They've created the most profitable industry in America.
What I really can't understand is people that can't (or won't) see he's a terrific, effective, extremely talented POLITICIAN. I've worked in D.C. for three decades. I know a talented politician when I see one.

Trump's bag of tricks is deeper than J. Edgar Hoover's and Bill Clinton's combined. He's more talented than P.T. Barnum with his bluster and B.S. He knows his audience and stays on message even when faced with evidence of his tiny character, lack of morals, oh yeah, complete lack of experience and understanding of the job he's after. CLASSIC Washington behavior.

That he's running as an anti-politician outsider is one of the best tricks he does. He's long been in bed with Washington, contributing to every candidate in every election since what 1975? He bought one of the most iconic buildings in the city (Old Post Office) not long ago to make into a "classy" hotel. How is that "outsider" behavior? The answer is, it ain't. It's something someone in the Washington fishbowl does.

He is part of the historic problem that people are pissed about. They are just unwilling or unable to see that. His emotionally-based rhetorical B.S. is a potent drug. Too bad the hangover (if he's elected--Gawd forbid) will be massive for everyone.
i can understand how Trump is so popular, i find it more strange how Hilary is still this popular, im not a trump fan but if i had to choose between these 2 trump gets my vote..
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