I think the biggest issue you'll have with finding the sort of comprehensive, step by step source I think you're looking for is that there's just SO MUCH DIVERSITY in the world of bonsai.
The steps you need for any given form are different for different species, and even then different cultivars of the same species will react slightly differently to the same actions sometimes. The basic concepts are generally universal, but, yes, still very ambiguous when explained because there's always an exception for every rule.
I do imagine you might find something for each specific common species and and sub species, though.
Yersireebob, that is an awesome question right there!
Answering this without starting a brouhaha may be almost impossible, but let me wade in. If books won’t hit the spot for you there are a plethora of YouTube videos, etc. A couple of the folks I preferred when I was even newer were and still do prefer are:
Herons Bonsai - Peter Chan,
Nigel Saunders - The Bonsai Zone
Eisei-en Bjorn Bjorholm
Walter Pall - Look at his progressions
Bonsai Mirai - Ryan Neil
B4me - Harry Harrington
Saruyama - Peter Warren (esp azaleas)
I really would encourage you to look at taking at least some of beginning the online courses at Bonsai Empire. However they do have advanced courses. I’ve taken almost all of these and find them really comprehensive.
Then there are a couple books that work for me
Peter Adams - Bonsai withJapanese Maples
Peter Adams - Successful bonsai shaping
Both John Naka Bonsai Techniques books
Naka et al - Bonsai Techniques for Satsuki
The Art of Bonsai Desin - Colin Lewis
Thats good for starters
DSD sends
PS: As you can see I really like to have lotsa dusty books to refer to!!!!