I understand that.
But please understand how awesome it was to have a look at your work!
Those were some of the best tree think threads there were...
And no matter the outcome, you have clearly demonstrated an excellent bit of patience, a great eye, and with thoughtful FVG's(future vision goggles)..
That's to say, you, and those trees, are awesome, you already did the laborious work, no amount of advice is going to take that away from you!
I feel you about worrying about what other people may think "after the fact".
(see paragraph directly above)
Fuck em, if it's me! Fuck me!
You're the type to repost something completely different from any of the advice and it would probly be dope!
Wireme said something I really like,
Something along the lines of,
"Even if I don't follow your advice, doesn't mean it was bad advice"
They say art is the removal of the unnecessary...
Advice is the same.
Once you gather a few ideas, or pieces of advice, you can begin to eliminate the unnecessary.
Usually this excercise, when performed by an artist like yourself, brings you to a fresh new idea of your own, just by having other BS to eliminate.
I'd have a dead Mugo if I didn't have Vance in the back of my head, bout to cuss me out and throw a garbage can lid at me if I messed up the repot!
I'm not trying to pull your arm to post more trees.
But no one is going to take your skill set away.
And I absolutely love the stuff you have already shared!