Did I upset someone?

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I'm always glad when people give me advice unsolicited or not. I and my trees have benefitted greatly from this. Even when the comments were derogatory. It made my trees better as critique makes you see things your rose colored glasses eyes don't always see...
Against words? 21st century human being in a nutshell! What ever happened to "Sticks and stones......"? That's why there are so many losers in the world, you can't even tell someone their a loser!?!? Criticism gets your ass in gear, unless of course you want to live your life like a "yes-man".....:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
Can I please "like" this twice??? And then, I would like to get my trophy for "participation" in this thread:rolleyes:.
Did they ask for advice. If not asked is not always welcome. No one should be EXPECTED to have thick skin! All are not made same.
When one does any online social activity...not hearing tone of infliction in text. If you don't have thick skin,one can easily be hurt...when it was never intended to be hurtful. One can read a sentence...and take it several ways. Depending on the tone of with the poster intended can go undetected. Several outbursts have came from just that on this forum, as well as other social media websites...so, I think any social online communication at some point one has to have thick skin...or...grasp that tone isn't inflicted in text.
I'm always glad when people give me advice unsolicited or not. I and my trees have benefitted greatly from this. Even when the comments were derogatory. It made my trees better as critique makes you see things your rose colored glasses eyes don't always see...
I learned more from the late Jim's straight forward way...then ANY polite advice. We butted heads early on...in my rose tinted bonsai journey. I will always appreciate what he stood for...and his advice he gave. Became clarity as I matured in my journey. I think of his words...when I see issues with roots. That was a huge thing he tried to get me to understand. I am glad to be able to say...his knowledge sank in...and I was able to have that opportunity with him here. I really miss his wisdom and words shared. That I go into archives to read his past comments. He was a word of wisdom...and like myself. Had a thing for books. We had many discussions on books in PM.
Earlier today someone posted a thread about moving a procumbens into a circular pot. I did a quick vert trimming up some of the branches with a comment about "the tree might look better if the design was tighter" or something similar. The author deleted the thread.

Hope I didn't upset anyone. That was not my intent - I was just sharing my thoughts.
It is a great virtual! I thought it was clean and well done.
I'm always glad when people give me advice unsolicited or not. I and my trees have benefitted greatly from this. Even when the comments were derogatory. It made my trees better as critique makes you see things your rose colored glasses eyes don't always see...

If you only talk to people who agree with you, what's the point? You already know what they are going to say!

My oldest bonsai friend on the West Coast is @Si Nguyen . In addition to being an amazingly nice person, he and I have very different tastes in bonsai design. When we get together to talk design, I'd say 50% of the time we have different opinions. I always come away refreshed - like a breath of fresh air is being released into my world. We also trade bonsai - because there are often trees of mine that I don't like, and he sees potential in, and vice versa.

After decades of getting to know one another, I have to admit that I have become familiar with his preferences however. Si if you read this, I have a tree for you :)
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If you only talk to people who agree with you, what's the point? You already know what they are going to say!

My oldest bonsai friend on the West Coast is Si Nguyen. In addition to being an amazingly nice person, he and I have very different tastes in bonsai design. When we get together to talk design, I'd say 50% of the time we have different opinions. I always come away refreshed - like a breath of fresh air is being released into my world. We also trade bonsai - because there are often trees of mine that I don't like, and he sees potential in, and vice versa.

After decades of getting to know one another, I have to admit that I have become familiar with his preferences however. Si if you read this, I have a tree for you :)
I miss Si here on the forum very much... and Klytus...:D:D
I miss Si here on the forum very much... and Klytus...:D:D

Si is a busy man in real life. He has a lot of priorities. He would be here more frequently if he could. Hey - he went on our road trip up to Fresno to hang out with @Smoke and friends!

I think I need to have another beer and brat bonsai study group meeting :)
Dunno if I should reply to this, but if I did I would say don't judge so harshly or jump to conclusions. I haven't posted many of my trees in part because they are an important part of my private life, to the point of being a little weird maybe. The few times I have however, even if the comments have been positive, I sometimes have the thought that it was a mistake to share, for reasons again not necessarily related to the nature of the comments. It's complicated, but when I open up a tree for discussion it feels a little less my own and I start to think of other's reactions to what I do to it thereafter, and it can color my decisions. Just my perspective. No idea what the poster referred to here was thinking.

I couldn't agree more... plus, many people have (or may feel they have) a secure yard or site for their trees... I would care less about a tree dying, then having one walk away.
I didn't even know you can delete threads.

I didn't know either... Seriously though from the day I started on IBC in 1998 or 1999 if you posted a tree you were basically saying, "Give me some suggestions." I thought that was understood when you posted trees. That's why I don't post more... I can tell when something is crap I don't need you guys to tell me...
That's like saying "I want to go play in mental quicksand" :)

Love that!

then having one walk away.

I care less about a theif dying....;)
Plus they're dumb as hell, then top that off with one day they will try to come here and sell it....which is when we track them down, and make a thread where a bamboo accent plant grows through em or some shit....

Then we ain't gotta worry about that much anymore!

Just my perspective

I understand that.

But please understand how awesome it was to have a look at your work!

Those were some of the best tree think threads there were...
And no matter the outcome, you have clearly demonstrated an excellent bit of patience, a great eye, and with thoughtful FVG's(future vision goggles)..

That's to say, you, and those trees, are awesome, you already did the laborious work, no amount of advice is going to take that away from you!

I feel you about worrying about what other people may think "after the fact".
(see paragraph directly above)
Fuck em, if it's me! Fuck me!

You're the type to repost something completely different from any of the advice and it would probly be dope!

Wireme said something I really like,
Something along the lines of,
"Even if I don't follow your advice, doesn't mean it was bad advice"

They say art is the removal of the unnecessary...
Advice is the same.
Once you gather a few ideas, or pieces of advice, you can begin to eliminate the unnecessary.
Usually this excercise, when performed by an artist like yourself, brings you to a fresh new idea of your own, just by having other BS to eliminate.

I'd have a dead Mugo if I didn't have Vance in the back of my head, bout to cuss me out and throw a garbage can lid at me if I messed up the repot!

I'm not trying to pull your arm to post more trees.
But no one is going to take your skill set away.
And I absolutely love the stuff you have already shared!

That's like saying "I want to go play in mental quicksand" :)
your right! some things need to be put behind us. and the focus being the trees and to broaden the knowledge of improving the love of the hobby.
I'm sure I'm too late to this so it's no longer needed but I read that thread, Bonsai Nut, and saw your virts. I believe you did 3 in a row too, a progression.
The OP, original poster, believed the branchs were too strong to be bent down but there were links and advice on how they could be and he seemed very happy with that. Was a good bit of advice.
Your advice didn't seem blunt or rude in any way, and he didn't seem upset by it either.
I think, as you say, it was just a blip. As it's back now. Not got any parts of this site hosted on AWS, Amazon right? Lol.

To be honest, in the worst case, that he was offended by you, it was a mercy that he be offended by your words before he got out there in the real crazy and heard what some other bonsai nutters would have to say...
I'm going to close this thread since it is no longer relevant. I think there was some sort of hardware hiccup, because one minute I couldn't find any reference to the thread, anywhere, even looking through a list of all activity on the site that day. Then several hours later, it popped back into existence - including my responses. Very strange... and a unique occurrence. But all is fixed!
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