cytokinin powder test

Hi there, still looking how are going the plants with the cytokinin test.

Here are some pictures, the thing that is unusual for me is the number of the new buds on the mugo, on the clean part very near to the soil, also the ABP has some extra backbuds




Hmm I don't see any results that make me think that it's the powder.

My mugo buds as much on young wood when it's exposed to sunlight.
My other pines make about the same amount of buds on the nodes in their first couple years.

Can you try it on older wood? Maybe 5-6 years old?
If that works, then I'm convinced.
Ok, just an update.
We know that Cytokinins promotes cell division, in other words, growth. Where auxins will inhibit lateral buds, cytokinins will promote growth all over the tree. In the absence of auxins, cytokinins will cause lateral buds and dormant buds to grow.
Pruning, candle removing and pinching of new growth will all aid in reducing auxin levels and promoting more lateral growth.
This year I have used again the Cytokinine, but this time after cut the new grows, I have had some deep backbudding, of course I am not sure that is the product or not, burt one bud come from the last year and it was basically at the base of the trunk itself, one bud was open on a branch that I cut in april, and there was nothing before I am sure 100%.
Thtat's on the ABP:

Last year, bud open this spring, last year I have used more often theproduct.


On an April cut :


Some more bockbuddings:

The Mugo have some strange ? grows, but I made also a good pruning in July Vance Wood style, so maybe is not related...


Let me know what you think, now is the second year that I used this product and the plant are still alive, I also used on other plants with no problems.
I used also last year on my Scott Pine and I am starting to think that the several buds explosion was from the Cito powder...

Back in the middle 80's when I was a grower at a large commercial nursery we grew tens of thousands of Christmas trees in pots. They were pines, though it was not my department so I don't recall the species.

They sprayed 6-BA several times during the young growing season. The lateral branching was unbelievable. They did side by side comparisons to dial in the rate.

I recently bought some 6-BA and will do some trials with some JBP if I can get enough to make a decent experiment.
I think 30 would be a decent trial (control and 2 rates).

Have you any suggestions, I have seen Musser seedlings
Other recommendations?

Rates for bedding and perennials is pretty low 100-600ppm.

Here are a couple links Holly branching
I recently bought some 6-BA and will do some trials with some JBP if I can get enough to make a decent experiment.
I think 30 would be a decent trial (control and 2 rates).
Did you started the test ?
I have all but still try to decide the righe moment when give the hormon, before the pinching in April, before the decandeling in July or in the middle, or both.
Any ideas ?

Treatment in Scots pine: I guess a caveat is the foliar distortion, and genetic susceptibility varies between seed grown plants. It might be the case that the Xmas tree farm used a homogeneous strain: I know that is the case for wood farms, at least.
This was an interesting read and the photos show good results but it’s hard to say with any certainty at all that there is a benefit if there is no control in the experiment. Ideally two plants in as close to identical states would be needed, one for the experiment and one for control.
Did you started the test ?
I have all but still try to decide the righe moment when give the hormon, before the pinching in April, before the decandeling in July or in the middle, or both.
Any ideas ?
I have not started. I had trouble finding commercial sources of JBP that would ship to CA. So I bought some seed......
I have not started. I had trouble finding commercial sources of JBP that would ship to CA. So I bought some seed......
Thanks but they are way too expensive for a decent trial.
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