Thanks Will! Yeah...In the whole scheme of honestly doesn't overly matter. I get that...I do. Though I think I still would like to have a bit of knowledge of what is considered a proper pairing...I would like to see if having one on my shelf would make me see others points of view more strongly...or not waver my thought process.
Well, they're not on your shelf to view, (

), but two of my trees recently posted here illustrate my point, and might be gazed at electronically. The first is the European hornbeam, a deciduous tree of no special color, masculine in every sense in its winter silhouette (the English language certainly needs a word for this concept that's easier to spell!), which is by far it's finest moment each year. The pot, although nothing special, and certainly not the best if I were to show it, suits it very well. But contrast that with the pot on the second tree, posted in the "First Tree" thread, a Korean boxwood in it's fall/winter bronze. Some might put such a filly in an ornate or colorful pot, and it might work, but it might also compete rather than compliment. The pot - an antique Tokoname - is not ideally proportioned for the tree, and is a bit less fundamentally masculine than the hornbeam's, but the overall effect is still to compliment the tree without distracting from it, and it certainly does this in many ways.
[Disclaimer: This entire post is qualified under the International Standards of Humility as an "IMHO" creation, with full adjunctive "YMMV" considerations as well. The post also, although not yet reviewed by the Federal Multicultural Committee, was at least
consciously designed with every effort to be free from all micro-aggressions or thought/speech infractions, and my use of the banned terms "masculine" and "feminine" are used here only in their historical sense, with full understanding that such archaic, anachronistic terms fail to honor and celebrate, and indeed are an assault upon the full diversity and malleability of our genetic, anatomic, self-identity and genital-use possibilities. I will freely confess, however, if summoned before the International Comintern and its tribunals, that such horrors my indeed be lurking
subconsciously in my mental continuum, and I will be willing to submit most humbly to any assigned re-education or punishment - up to and including lobotomy or ablative electroconvulsive therapy, gender reassignment surgery, or liquidation.]