Critter damage

Everyone has this pretty well covered. Probably rabbits, possibly deer, definitely not squirrels. I have used the "rotten egg" sprays, the hot pepper wax, the bitters and several other products over the years in my landscape business. Two years ago I started using fox and coyote urine and it is very effective. Sprinkle it around but not on the plants as it can burn them. I used it most of the summer for the past two years and come back to apply more in December. Has worked very well for me.
Problem I have found with all repellents is that they work until they don't. It is best to alternate products. I remember years ago when I first tried hot pepper wax, that it worked so well I thought I had found the solution. But by the end of summer the deer were relishing the pepper treated plants like they were vegetarian tacos. I have heard that lion feces is the ultimate deterrent but I would be hard pressed to find any around here.
BTW, fox and coyote urine comes in granules and I buy it on Amazon.
Problem I have found with all repellents is that they work until they don't.

I concur with this. Physical barriers are the only thing that seems to work reliably, but they are often thwarted by unforeseen weaknesses, particularly crafty and persistent wildlife, or human error.
Hah! You mean, feed 'em to keep your yard filled with hungry critters around the clock. Your yard will become a five-star destination. The truth is, you can't own a yard full of unmolested tasty plants if you live in the country. You want to know why they had walls around ancient cities? Rabbits and deer. Remember St. George slaying the rabbit to rescue the fair maiden? Ever wonder why the Chinese calendar doesn't have a year of the squirrel? Chinese dragons are just depictions of larger-than-life squirrels.
Cracked me up. Thanks!
Personally, I'm grateful to have cold winter storage greenhouse.
But I disagree that feeding wildlife doesn't work. I live in the middle of rural-topica.. lake front, wooded ravine to the left of me and to the right. Our wooded lots. My landscape when I started feeding the critters. Came out unscathed. 🤷 So, yes. It can work.
BUT for my bonsai trees I want more security than that .
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I’ve had magical results using dream catchers.

Simply but thoughtfully hung around the trees you want protected.

I believe Pests become uneasy and uncomfortable within range,
Best of luck.
I’ve had magical results using dream catchers.

Simply but thoughtfully hung around the trees you want protected.

I believe Pests become uneasy and uncomfortable within range,
Best of luck.
I would have to be afraid of a hawk carrying my trees away...
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