Complete Noob Please Help

Repotted these two myself for the first time yesterday, one is a Chinese elm, and a brazilian raintree. hopefully I did not insult them too badly and they survive. Also my juniper after I did some clean up trimming, the juniper is usually outside.


  • chinese elm after repotting.jpg
    chinese elm after repotting.jpg
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  • brazilian rain tree after repotting.jpg
    brazilian rain tree after repotting.jpg
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  • juniper 2022.jpg
    juniper 2022.jpg
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Repotted these two myself for the first time yesterday, one is a Chinese elm, and a brazilian raintree. hopefully I did not insult them too badly and they survive.
I always wait until summer when they are outside and growing well to repot BRT's. Hopefully, it won't sulk too much.
The one guy was saying tropical trees can kinda be repotted anytime, he thinks early spring the best
Everyone has their opinions and know what works best for them. I've always had success repotting them in the summer, so that's what I'll do. Good aftercare is more important than the specific time you repot.
Waiting is often a good idea, especially in one’s first years as a bonsai hobbyist.

I‘ve made many mistakes in my first years by rushing into things when the trees aren’t ready and I haven’t done my due diligence on the research side.

DSD sends
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