Collecting j. Horozontalis?

Oh there are lots, but most seem either uninteresting or uncollectable. They seem to have long, straight "anchor roots" that go back sometimes several meters between the rocks. I hope to get good at finding and collecting good ones. Some of those roots made me want to stuck with spruce and larch though.

Oh I understand. What is the rock type where you are finding them?
Sandstone which is being continually eroded. It also makes it hard not to bare root them in collection, since the sand just falls away.
Amazing. Thank you for sharing these with us. I hope it does really well for you. Beautiful specimens.
Sandstone which is being continually eroded. It also makes it hard not to bare root them in collection, since the sand just falls away.

Rock type seems to make a difference. My impressions have been that granite and gneiss produce more of the classic rock pocket rootballs that are highly collectible when you find the right ones. Shale type outcrops you get thin sheets of root between layers that you can sometimes extract but more difficult. Limestones a bugger, produces more trees that you want to collect than the others but far less collectible trees. I’ve never poked around sandstone trees.
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