Just read the first post :
No, many of us are aware of climate change (fake news) and have posted messages about this (fake news, you're fired) and of course it does have consequences on how we tend ou trees. Climate change (fake news) is of course the biggest issue we all have to face, not only for our petty little world of bonsai, but for our children's future, which is a much, much more serious issue. I'm a father and I am responsible for my children's future.
The least I can do as a citizen is vote. I don't vote in the US, I vote in the EU, and preserving nature is one of the major points I consider when I vote.
But if I were a US citizen, there's no doubt I wouldn't vote for a crook, a lier, a swindler, a rude sexist, racist like DT. Not sure I would believe in everything that JB says, but that would be the "least worst solution":
Now, the presidential election is over, even DT can't but admit that he was beaten (he's a loser, he's fired), he even eventually didn't bar the congress
massive spending and stimulus package
He tried to make a scorched-earth policy, leaving his own country in dire straits for his own benefits, he just doesn't care for his fellow citizens, that's so obvious. Playing golf while people are starving, dying, no empathy whatsoever. doesn't care a fig but how to make money ro more power. I can't believe so many people still support him.
What a pitiful segment of the history of the USA... I've been such a fan of the US since I was a kid, so disappinted to see how half the people there are so stupid. Well, it's about the same here I'm afraid,
Glad this episode of "fake news rules OK" is over now... (?)
Le bon sens est la chose la mieux partagée du monde.
La bêtise aussi.
Common sense is the best shared thing in the world.
Stupidity too.