Cascade juniper, need suggestions!

Well I decided to change this up a bit when I repotted it a few days ago. I removed much of the top foliage and give it some Jin up top, then I expanded the Shari on the trunk while I was at it. I removed the flaking bark on the trunk as I knocked some pieces off handling it. I also changed the orientation of the plant in the pot, leaning it back a tad more as the cascade was getting way too far beneath the pot for my tastes, and my little wooden stand. :)

This is the front as before.

oldfront by edsnapshot, on Flickr

This is what I like for the front now.

Nufront by edsnapshot, on Flickr

But who knows I might yet change my mind again.

This would now be the back side, or as our english buddies say "the bum" :p

Rside by edsnapshot, on Flickr

This is what it looks from up top, my favorite way of viewing it.

IMG_0186 by edsnapshot, on Flickr

I hope you like it as much as I do ! It sure has been a pleasureable little plant to work with.

I looked at your tree on page 1 and wanted to say, "Lose the cascade and make a shohin." Now I see where you are taking it and say, "You go dude." It looks like you are going to end up with a nice little tree and a good story to tell. It just goes to show that taking other people's advice isn't always the way to go.
I just wired and trimmed this 2 days ago, I will get a picture up soon. I lost the little branch to the right, I think it was from extending the Shari. The delicate Jin up top snapped off too.

What does the aspirin do?

I got that from my granny, she would always dissolve an aspirin in a gallon of water and water plants she either repotted or replanted. Her idea was that it would soothe the stress on the plant, I know it has never hurt any plant of mine and I feel it works. :) I know it works well on cut flowers too, in a vase of flowers 1 aspirin and they last longer - again, my hunch.

I got that from my granny, she would always dissolve an aspirin in a gallon of water and water plants she either repotted or replanted. Her idea was that it would soothe the stress on the plant, I know it has never hurt any plant of mine and I feel it works. :) I know it works well on cut flowers too, in a vase of flowers 1 aspirin and they last longer - again, my hunch.


its true it does work, same princple as using water that has had willow wood soaking in it to water plants, asprin is derived from willow. I am completely ignorant to the chemistry of it, i just know it works
Bonsai Blake, just 'cause ya asked for it, a few pics.

Here it is trimmed and partially wired, I ran out of wire after doing the 3 lowest branches. Don't know what the hell happened to my wire ?
JunCas by edprocoat, on Flickr

Trunk detail,
trunk by edprocoat, on Flickr

Towards the back.
Juni by edprocoat, on Flickr

Right side.
IMG_0681 by edprocoat, on Flickr

Looking down.
IMG_0679 by edprocoat, on Flickr

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