Bonsai Work Based on Lunar Events

What? So you’re saying you believe in lunar cycles but you don’t ‘believe ‘ in the women cycle?

I believe what he was saying is that there is a window during the menstrual cycle where a woman is more susceptible in becoming pregnant.
I believe what he was saying is that there is a window during the menstrual cycle where a woman is more susceptible in becoming pregnant.
Yes. And outside that window is not possible to becoming pregnant.
I do know a lot of farmers that plant seed by the moon phases. Certain phases are supposedly better for root vegetables and others better for fruit/leaf.

I know at least in Italy they bottle wine even on the moon and tide. Saying it will affect the taste....and they've been making wine for a couple 1000yrs.
Funny. Of all countries, Italy is one where tides are virtually inexistant, pretty much tideless as are all countries in the Mediterranean.
Funny. Of all countries, Italy is one where tides are virtually inexistant, pretty much tideless as are all countries in the Mediterranean.

I just regurgitated what I was told....never said I agreed with it. While I was there I did make wine several times at home but never tasted any different? So I really don't know, nor cared. Just always wondered about it.
I just get frustrated when people seem to accept this pseudoscientific claptrap based on no good evidence. Your statement about the "I swore I saw" some vague report about an astronaut coming back differently" is kind of depressing. There is a lot going on with that report, NONE of it really relevant here. Things certainly change once you're out of the Earth's atmosphere, but we're talking about what happens on the planet's surface.

I don't have a problem with Mormons, other than they bother me at dinnertime. I just tell them I'm Catholic and the Pope will put a spell on them and they leave...
Thanks for posting beat me to it.
I just regurgitated what I was told....never said I agreed with it. While I was there I did make wine several times at home but never tasted any different? So I really don't know, nor cared. Just always wondered about it.
Yeah. I was just saying it’s funny. While thinking about it, in most places tides are semi-diurnal meaning that the tide is in and out twice a day
There are various legends related to the full moon, like when to cut your hair, or spreading sheets on the cloth line to make them whiter : they've all been proved to be totally false.

I'm a true believer : I believe in science (etymology : sapiens, knowledge), not in superstitions that have become so widespread they've become religions which are totalitarian ideologies. Unfortunately, in most parts of the world, this kind of "cosmic debris" seems to get momentum., and it includes denial of women's rights, hatred of those who are different, etc.

What? So you’re saying you believe in lunar cycles but you don’t ‘believe ‘ in the women cycle?

Of all the women I knew, none had cycles that matched lunar events.

Maybe there used to be some relation with seasons, and thus lunar cycles some millions years ago, at a time when we were barely growing limbs to get out of a swamp, and it stayed somewhere in our reptile brain.

But if women's periods matched lunar cycles, all bars would be full with men on specific days of the calendar (though...).
Just a small correction: Pluto is still a planet. It’s not considered a ‘main’ or ‘primary’ (not sure the correct word in English) planet anymore, but it’s still a planet.

Sorry, let me be more specific......pluto is dwarf planet

I think the stars aligned today, or maybe it's the moons gravitational pull that has everyone fired up on this thread?
It's a matter of terminology, but basically, it's not considered as a planet the way others are labelled :

"As objects increasingly closer in size to Pluto were discovered in the region, it was argued that Pluto should be reclassified as one of the Kuiper belt objects, just as Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta lost their planet status after the discovery of many other asteroids. " (Wikipedia)

"Plutón, designado (134340) Pluto, es un planeta enano del sistema solar situado a continuación de la órbita de Neptuno. "

and, y, et :

Planeta enano es el término creado por la Unión Astronómica Internacional (UAI) para definir a una nueva clase de cuerpos celestes, diferente de la de planeta y de la de cuerpo menor del sistema solar (o planeta menor).

I never learned Spanish, but I did some latin at school and it's rather esay to understand (written) romanese languages. Tell me if I'm wrong :

a una nueva clase de cuerpos celestes, diferente de la de planeta

In French :

une nouvelle classe de corps céleste, différente des planètes

We would use "des planètes", the plural form, instead of "de la planeta", which I think is singular (in French : "de la planète").

Apart from this linguistic rambling, naming Pluto as a planet is not a valid term any longer for scientists, but it has been considered as such for such a very long time that it is a planet, while it isn't.

See what I mean?...

I won't include another song by FZ, the one where you can hear " Pluto, arf arf arf!" because I've just realized the name of the dog is Fido.

Back to my late teens, I was on another plant at that time :D:cool:

The drums. Make me feel like tasting mushrooms again ! :p
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