Does anyone perform work on trees relative to the current phase of the moon, or lunar events generally?
It is MOST DEFINITELY NOT LIKE A WOMAN'S PERIOD. This kind of hocus pocus oogy boogy claptrap will slow you down and mess up your care. The best time to repot a tree DOES NOT depend on how full the freaking moon is at the time. It depends on the kind of care, your skill and the tree's health GOING INTO THE PROCESS---PERIOD. The Horned Moon God, Jesus' robes, Lent, Festivus, or Samhain, Beltaine or whatever have nothing to do with much of anything, unless, of course, you begin believing that you have to wait until the next Sabbath or a crescent moon to repot a tree that really needs it...I recently decided the end of the Waxing Gibbous is the BEST time (lunarly) to repot.
This way you get the entire waning phase to regrow roots, which I have documented certainly in my Root Talk thread.
I would say this will increase your probability of success by 10%.
Repotting a stressed (hacked to hell) tree at the waning moon will kill it of course.
And of course, repotting a vigorous tree at any time is likely safe.
Expensive trees, "emergency" repots, these things will appreciate the timing.
There really is no way to determine true "success" using the moon, since the "it depends" of other things can still be so great....number one being a human's understanding of tree health. Which can only be gauged with time, and tree watching.
I Don't believe gravity....well . I Don't believe in gravity period...FLAT EARTH....
So I don't believe gravity is what effects the trees.
It is more like a woman's period.
The Earth's cycles.
A woman can get pregnant at any time, but certain times are Better. Its like that.
I may, if life allows, repot a blue rug juniper at every Waning moon over the season, because I surely don't believe spring is the best time to repot.
A truer statement would be ,
Repotting at the end of the waxing Gibbous is the best time to repot.
Does anyone perform work on trees relative to the current phase of the moon, or lunar events generally?
Whatever happened to critical thinking or for that matter plain old horse sense?
Really, FARMERS ALMANACS are being cited as backup? 1,000 year old Italian also planted their vineyards IN THE PATH OF AN ACTIVE VOLCANO for crying out loud. Just because something is old doesn't make it right. Almanacs are notorious for being vague and silly.
Most of the "scientific" sites devoted to this particular brand of crappola are SELLING books, almanacs, etc.
Whatever happened to critical thinking or for that matter plain old horse sense? ;-) And along those lines, just because the moon affects the enormous bodies of water on earth DOES NOT correlate to affecting smaller things. Oceans are freaking MASSIVE and DENSE. Two properties that individual plants lack entirely...