I’ve known of a few bonsai tree thefts in Vietnam. Bonsai trees are a part of almost all households. Most trees, my trees, were chained to an immovable object with the chain around the trunk….whether the trees were on the ground level or on a higher balcony or roof. Sort of ruins the view of the tree, but most observers would mention that a chain is needed. The trees stolen did not have chains. The police investigate, however, with so many tree locations, in so many cities, the stolen tree is seldom recovered. A chain might not deter the theft a prized bonsai totally but it does discourage trying. Dogs help.
In Vietnam, before and after Lunar New Year, there are bonsai tree sale areas set up all over the cities. A lot of people just rent trees for a time around and for the festivity week.
In Vietnam, before and after Lunar New Year, there are bonsai tree sale areas set up all over the cities. A lot of people just rent trees for a time around and for the festivity week.