So I am trying not to buy any more trees as everything I have is just material and I am a noob to this. Problem is whenever I see a new beautiful tree I want to pick up additional species and try them as well.
I happened to be driving past a local nursery and stopped in just to see if they had any hornbeams and how much they were. While there we got to talking about what I wanted it for and I was told we have a bunch of free stuff over there if you want to play with any of that... Yes please!
As a result two red oaks one with an interesting base( previously I had never considered an oak but saw a few recently so I am more than willing to try) Allegheny Service berry with a very cool base, a ginko and a tree to be named later... No tag and no leaves. The owner said it could possibly be a hornbeam but he wasn't sure. If it is I'll be that much more excited!
Last three are of the tree without a name. Smooth grey trunk, tons of buds. Any thoughts or ideas would be great.
I'll likely throw most of these in the ground and try to figure out the best time to chop the trunks. My wife will likely still scratch her head and say we have more trees ? At least I can tell her they only cost me a conversation

I happened to be driving past a local nursery and stopped in just to see if they had any hornbeams and how much they were. While there we got to talking about what I wanted it for and I was told we have a bunch of free stuff over there if you want to play with any of that... Yes please!
As a result two red oaks one with an interesting base( previously I had never considered an oak but saw a few recently so I am more than willing to try) Allegheny Service berry with a very cool base, a ginko and a tree to be named later... No tag and no leaves. The owner said it could possibly be a hornbeam but he wasn't sure. If it is I'll be that much more excited!
Last three are of the tree without a name. Smooth grey trunk, tons of buds. Any thoughts or ideas would be great.
I'll likely throw most of these in the ground and try to figure out the best time to chop the trunks. My wife will likely still scratch her head and say we have more trees ? At least I can tell her they only cost me a conversation