Anyone using a Cloning System?

Yea I hear ez clone is good.Tropicals ought to be easy I would think.
I am going to perform air layers in mine on seedlings.Just uproot from seed tray and then ringbark for an air-layer.Then put roots and ringbark below the collar in the resevoir to hopefully see roots that do not need watering.
It is fairly easy myold way in the soil,butsomewhat tedious. Excited for this and preparing the seedlings of coreana hornbeam and zelkova like tiny motherplants that root more easily.Zelkova root in days.
I really think it feasable that can do entire seedling air-layer process bareroot in an aeroponic cloner.
Totally looking into a cloner for propagation because I have access to a metric ton of cuttings. Lol. Curious as to why you are laying seedlings though. Will you separate them and raise original up till it grows leaves? This is probably a stupid question but no one else on the internet seems to discuss trees and cloners. Lol
Totally looking into a cloner for propagation because I have access to a metric ton of cuttings. Lol. Curious as to why you are laying seedlings though. Will you separate them and raise original up till it grows leaves? This is probably a stupid question but no one else on the internet seems to discuss trees and cloners. Lol
Makes good roots and I like to experiment.I have deduced that it is better to wait till’ the seedling is 1/4” thick stem .Any littler and it really is quicker to just make a seedling and trim roots later.Thicker seedlings and the effect is definately more worth it.........essentially get a very profound root system without a tap root.....right from the start.
I used to do it in a pot with cardboard sleeves.Made really nice roots.The cloner is way more economical in preperation and time.


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My recipe
I also am experimenting adding 2 ml hormex liquid per gallon.
And also little doses of humic and fulvic acids and kelp in the 1/64 tsp per gallon of each.
I have hornbeams that are rooting very quickly with that plus about 2 ml hormex liquid added to original recipe above.
So need to experiment.
Original recipe is good though.
Definately go light on the hormex though!


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Zelkovas will root in 2weeks flat or less!
Seedlings are way faster that say,a two year tree.
First and second growing season yield much faster results.


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Makes good roots and I like to experiment.I have deduced that it is better to wait till’ the seedling is 1/4” thick stem .Any littler and it really is quicker to just make a seedling and trim roots later.Thicker seedlings and the effect is definately more worth it.........essentially get a very profound root system without a tap root.....right from the start.
I used to do it in a pot with cardboard sleeves.Made really nice roots.The cloner is way more economical in preperation and time.
Nice! So you root a cutting or grow a seedling then reboot it higher up and double it in weeks. That’s ingenious! Does it work on cypress? Lol
Nice! So you root a cutting or grow a seedling then reboot it higher up and double it in weeks. That’s ingenious! Does it work on cypress? Lol
Simply an air-layer done much earlier.....young trees layer very quickly.Not all species react the same though.Do a little research on cutting capability.If they root from cuttings easily......usually an indicator of air-layering capabilities.
These are approching 3/16” or more by now,so I think tonight I will put at least a few into the cloner tonight.
With just a tiny bit of hormex added to the original recipe and just a pinch of humic and fulvic acids and kelp.
This recipe is making roots quite fast on a current batch of the tiny Hornbeams.
I will dab on some dip&grow at 10x strength and I may also break out the ppm calculator to match the percentage of the gel I used on the zelkovas in the old cardboard method I used to employ when I add some hormex liquid with this method.
Advice on hormone strength in the resevoir varies alot on the internet........I have found less to be more , as too much makes excessive callous and no rooting.
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Zelkovas will root in 2weeks flat or less!
Seedlings are way faster that say,a two year tree.
First and second growing season yield much faster results.
How do you get it through/out of the terracotta saucer? Don’t see breaks. Do you like the vertical cuts on layers or was it an experiment ?
How do you get it through/out of the terracotta saucer? Don’t see breaks. Do you like the vertical cuts on layers or was it an experiment ?
The terra cotta saicer was used after layer was seperated.
When seeslings are growing,just remove a ring of bark 2-3 x thickness of trunk.Scrape the sapwood with a razor to get all the residual cambuim and then just coat with rooting gel.Can let on there a full day and reapplying.Then put the colander or pot around it in the ground and then cover with leaves to conserve moisture.Use volcanic aggregate.
They root within 2weeks zelkova.
Indoors in a excellerated grow environment with co2.......even faster!
Advice on hormone strength in the resevoir varies alot on the internet........I have found less to be more , as too much makes excessive callous and no rooting.
Thanks. Just bought some but haven't used it yet.
BTW, I love my E Z Cloner but I wish it had a humidity dome. I mist several times a day but still several cuttings have dried up. I may have to make a lid for it. It is a great company with excellent products so I am surprised they don't make a dome to sell as an accessory.
Thanks. Just bought some but haven't used it yet.
Yea I have hormex at 2ml per gallon + that recipe I always give......and then very small amounts humic,fulvi,kelp added also.
Rooting hornbeam as we speak at 2 is good.
Hornbeam is tough too
BTW, I love my E Z Cloner but I wish it had a humidity dome. I mist several times a day but still several cuttings have dried up. I may have to make a lid for it. It is a great company with excellent products so I am surprised they don't make a dome to sell as an accessory.
Yes can be an issue,but at the same time anything over 70% is too excessive and plants will have humidity shock issues when you bring them out.
My cloner sais’ 50-75% is ideal.When I use the lid it goes over 80% and can really make issues in my experiance.Especcially with seedling air-layers where the transpiration is beneficial to promote leaf room is always 55-65% it seems.actually ideal for proper growth.
but still several cuttings have dried up.
Also prep mothers from the mnth or so before with amino acids LGlycine and L glutamate which increase calcium by 1000x and makes better and stronger vascular and also all the bio stimulants kelp and such to increase photosynthesis.Absolutely drown them two hours before END of light cycle with water and they will be pumped with water and growth promoting elements since photosynthesis all day.Make the cutting at this time!!
If cuttings are made in morning all the energy from the day before goes from the happy leaves into roots overnight in the lights out phase and are in a weakened state in the morning at beginning of day.Not best time to make a cutting.

BTW, I love my E Z Cloner but I wish it had a humidity dome. I mist several times a day but still several cuttings have dried up. I may have to make a lid for it. It is a great company with excellent products so I am surprised they don't make a dome to sell as an accessory.
Not sure on your humidity but EZ Clone did a comparison and found better results with out the dome which I found interesting. I haven’t looked at their location. I wonder if they’re in a humid area like I am.
My recipe
I also am experimenting adding 2 ml hormex liquid per gallon.
And also little doses of humic and fulvic acids and kelp in the 1/64 tsp per gallon of each.
I have hornbeams that are rooting very quickly with that plus about 2 ml hormex liquid added to original recipe above.
So need to experiment.
Original recipe is good though.
Definately go light on the hormex though!
Hi there,
First off, thanks so much for your meticulous documentation. I've learned so.much from your threads!

I just got a Turbo klone. A few questions, if you don't mind:
Wondering if you have updated your supplement recipe at all over the past few years? or spray timing for that matter
Also, if you ever found the root fan beneficial?
Lastly, how do you achieve such perfect ring bark cuts on the tiny layers?
Thanks much
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