Totally looking into a cloner for propagation because I have access to a metric ton of cuttings. Lol. Curious as to why you are laying seedlings though. Will you separate them and raise original up till it grows leaves? This is probably a stupid question but no one else on the internet seems to discuss trees and cloners. LolYea I hear ez clone is good.Tropicals ought to be easy I would think.
I am going to perform air layers in mine on seedlings.Just uproot from seed tray and then ringbark for an air-layer.Then put roots and ringbark below the collar in the resevoir to hopefully see roots that do not need watering.
It is fairly easy myold way in the soil,butsomewhat tedious. Excited for this and preparing the seedlings of coreana hornbeam and zelkova like tiny motherplants that root more easily.Zelkova root in days.
I really think it feasable that can do entire seedling air-layer process bareroot in an aeroponic cloner.