Mellow Mullet
So, the answer is still no, right?View attachment 443598
This is a japanese black pine I started last year from seedling cutting. This picture was taken when i repotted earlier this year in march. This is one growing season worth of root growth and approximately one year from seed. The growing medium was 3:1 perlite to peat moss and both components were purchased from Lowes at a very affordable price.
Notice how ramified the roots are and notice the roots under the trunk/stem this is what will become the ‘shin’ or the heart of the root system.
I have never seen a root system like this in any pre-bonsai plant that i have purchased that was grown in turface. In fact, this one year old JBP had the same caliper and more rootage than a 4 year old JBP that i bought from a renowned pre-bonsai vendor that uses turface.
If you want to use Turface by all means go ahead, but the only appeal of it as a soil medium is because its cheap right? I strongly feel that there are components that are as cheap or cheaper that will yeild far better results.
Most people trim the "shin" off. Downward growing roots are trimmed off to keep the root mass thin, unless you are making a negari. The heart of a good root system is a strong radial nebari with nice feeder roots, not a jumble of roots under the trunk.