The challenge will take place over a year and there are not many rules.
The Rules
1. This contest is for any Acer species. From tridents to palmatums and Field Maples.
2. Tree can be bought from any store. A bonsai store is preferable. No receipt will be needed.
3. Trunk minimum of three inches at 1 inch above soil. There is no wiggle room. 3 inches! There is no limit on price. In fact I implore you to spend a goodly sum of money to make this a bonafied BONSAI contest.
4. No height limit.
5. Tree must be potted in exhibit container. No rule on container but should be aesthetically pleasing. Moss optional.
6. Tree can have been purchased in the calendar year of 2014 till March 14, 2016. Of course this is a progression contest and the more pictures the better.
7. You opening post will show a before picture. It should be posted in the "maple" section. If the tree was bought in 2014 then it still has to have a before picture. This will also help those that do not take pictures of their trees to be more mindful the next time. (Any picture will do as long as "good work" from whatever pictures is posted takes place over the next twelve months.)
8. Pictures of work to be posted monthly in your contest thread which will have many comments in it, some of them derogatory, and some respectful, probably arguments, but everyone will benefit.
9. The contest will end March 15, 2016 and finished photos will be submitted by March 25, 2016. Winner to be announced April 1, 2016. The Judge, ( and it will be a good one, one that everyone in the bonsai community is familiar with) will receive the finished photos and the before shot in an email and it will be a blind judging.
During the five days of the judging, a thread will be started with a poll for each tree and there will be an opportunity for a "peoples" choice (forum) also.
The Rules
1. This contest is for any Acer species. From tridents to palmatums and Field Maples.
2. Tree can be bought from any store. A bonsai store is preferable. No receipt will be needed.
3. Trunk minimum of three inches at 1 inch above soil. There is no wiggle room. 3 inches! There is no limit on price. In fact I implore you to spend a goodly sum of money to make this a bonafied BONSAI contest.
4. No height limit.
5. Tree must be potted in exhibit container. No rule on container but should be aesthetically pleasing. Moss optional.
6. Tree can have been purchased in the calendar year of 2014 till March 14, 2016. Of course this is a progression contest and the more pictures the better.
7. You opening post will show a before picture. It should be posted in the "maple" section. If the tree was bought in 2014 then it still has to have a before picture. This will also help those that do not take pictures of their trees to be more mindful the next time. (Any picture will do as long as "good work" from whatever pictures is posted takes place over the next twelve months.)
8. Pictures of work to be posted monthly in your contest thread which will have many comments in it, some of them derogatory, and some respectful, probably arguments, but everyone will benefit.
9. The contest will end March 15, 2016 and finished photos will be submitted by March 25, 2016. Winner to be announced April 1, 2016. The Judge, ( and it will be a good one, one that everyone in the bonsai community is familiar with) will receive the finished photos and the before shot in an email and it will be a blind judging.
During the five days of the judging, a thread will be started with a poll for each tree and there will be an opportunity for a "peoples" choice (forum) also.