American Beech Collecting

Thought i'd chime in here, since I have 7 collected American Beech with 100% rate. These need to be collected before leaf out. I have only collected ones with low branches and buds as you get a better chance of it being ok after collecting. Collect just a stump and its a little more up in the air. I simply cut a circle around the tree, cut the tap roots, pull it up, remove old soil. Plant in a flat. Done. DO NOT, I MEAN DO NOT let it get dry. Keep it in the sweet spot of water to air ratio and you good as golden. Really, they are super simple to collect, even old big ones if you have low branches and buds. Find my threads, there floating around somewhere
Zach specifically said "Don't lift it and put it back in the ground at home". I'm not saying that either of you are wrong. Both of you are doing what works for you in your location.
I avoid going back in the ground because it's much harder for me to manage a hundred trees put back in the ground each year. My goals are different than Brian's. But I also advise not going back in the ground because most folks asking are new to collecting, and I think it's easier to learn aftercare in a more controllable environment.
I got several responses about putting newly collected trees in the ground HERE if anyone's interested. The consensus was that it was easier to provide optimum aftercare in a pot.
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