I know along while ago Al Keppler wrote some great articles/posts about CA Junipers on Bonsai Talk. I was wondering if anyone had access to them or if they are viewable anywhere?
Thank you,
Thank you,
You can try to PM Al but he might not respond any time soon. He is in zen mode and has unpugged from the internet. He is enjoying a vacation from the forums.
I thought he had been quiet. It sounds like a great idea.He is enjoying a vacation from the forums.
You can try to PM Al but he might not respond any time soon. He is in zen mode and has unpugged from the internet. He is enjoying a vacation from the forums.
Hi all, It is true I have unplugged from the world...but due to a divorce. After 26 years we have decided to split. It is very sad time as we are still very friendly. We will never lose touch though we can no longer live together.
Due to my wifes job and heavy internet use in her job she has taken the computer. I will plug back in sometime in the near future when things settle out.
Take care and do try to stay on track while I'm away.
Al Keppler
I recently found this small thread. My wife and I were separated for about 6 months and found we could not live without each other. We got back together and she retired four years later and died of cancer four years after that. I nursed her thru the four year ordeal and was there till the end. Coming up on one year since her death in a couple months....I can't believe where the time goes.
Yes the tree is called tripper.I would like to sit down and have a beer with you sometime Al... There are a few things I would like to talk to you about face to face that I am not sure many others would understand. Sorry to kick this back up I wish I would have read it all the way through before I did.
On the bright side I recently dusted off a couple of old computers to check for papers I published years ago and I might have one of the Juniper articles. If memory serves you nearly killed yourself packing it out I believe???? Tripped maybe??? Can't remember brain is foggy from underuse.