Scored Progression - Celtis Genus:
Score Progression General Purpose
Instead of independent progression threads
with a common theme with no competitive underpinning, a "Scored Progression" aims to create equal competition amongst all contestants with no start or end limitation/date. Instead, by scoring an entrant's progress annually, a matrix can be generated to show a "Leaderboard" by age of the progression. This allows new entries to the scored progression at any time, based on set starting criteria and everyone's progress can be scored annually and ranked against previous entries from prior years. It is both a personal contest to push oneself for the best annual scoring as well as a group contest for the most points long term.
It also creates a repository of specific knowledge in one place related to a common theme with some objectivite results-based support for method and technique.
Starting Criteria:
- Trees must be within the Celtis Genus and grown / started from seed.
- Each tree must have it's own progression thread by the end of year one.
- You need to share all of your information - including where you sourced your seeds, and all the steps you used to get them to germinate, as well as post germination care.
- Since I assume people will be growing more than one tree, it is ok if early photos show numerous trees in early development (i.e. flats full of seedlings).
- Trees and threads are to be numbered as follows: USERNAME - TAXONOMICAL NAME - # (with no tree of the same Taxonomical name having the same number)
- At the minimum you need to post one photo per year showing general progress in your progression thread however photos of work throughout the seasons is best, to show a true progression and aid everyone in determining "best practices".
- Each year, a dedicated thread by the contest moderator will be opened for a final annual photo submission of each tree's progress.
- Ex: "Year 1 - Celtis Scored Progressions", "Year 2 - Celtis Scored Progressions", Etc... ad infinitum....
- Each tree entry each year will be scored by all other contestants including new trees submitted in the appropriate year threads. Each year, the scores will be updated to reflect both new entries and previous entries and where each tree scores.
There is no end date, each year older and older tree's accumulated scores increase allowing for movement in the rankings by year, while new entries keep everything fresh and interesting for trees of all ages. Those who lose trees, can start again with new entries and try to best their previous results as well as others results.
Thinking of a scale of 1 - 10 for categories such as Root Structure, Nebari, Trunk, Health, Style, Features, Pot, Display, etc... Would love to get other's input on categories.
Scores would be added up and then averaged for a final score. Each year, a tree's previous total would be ADDED to that year's average for a new total and ranking.
Example: Year 1: A tree may get a score of:
Orion's Celtis Occidentalis #1 | 7 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 5.42 |
Year 2:
Orion's Celtis Occidentalis #1 | 7 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 6.14 | 5.42 | 11.56 |
And so, this would go on year after year. With each tree entered or added based on the age of the tree and new entries in each age/year judged and placed in the ranking.
Awards/prizes will be issued every 5 years, to the top ranked tree in years 5, 7,10, and 5yr intervals thereafter so long as the top tree is different than the previous award period's tree. [/QUOTE]