2024 Christmas loots

@19Mateo83 It was at a pikes nursery, it wasn't exactly a bargain but at least it has 3x more branching than the other few they had
I was gifted the Lego bonsai when it came out years ago. Yes. It is awesome. But enough is enough! Where is the next version??? Can we get a cascade by the designers next?? Perhaps a tropical?? I demand more!
This one is kinda cool…
I guess I'm a bit late... got a huge haul though.
I got 2 azaleas from House of Bonsai (one 'Green Glow' and one 'Shinsen'), the Satsuki Azalea book by Rick Garcia, some new pruning shears from Stone Lantern, an aeroponic propagator with Clonex to go with it, a root rake and a soil scoop. This will be one interesting year indeed :)
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